One Last Draft

Anantha Natarajan
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2018

I am writing this on my last day at Report Bee. To give a brief summary, I joined this organisation as an unpaid design intern on May 16,2017. After three months I converted my internship into a paid one. I then converted this internship into a full time employment. I want to list down 10 things I learnt from Design Team of Report Bee

10 Things I learnt

  1. A group of individual employees working cooperatively to meet needs of customers is called a TEAM.
  2. Planning for “Tomorrow” is the best way you can completely make use of the next day. It also ensures that you turn your unproductive day into a productive one.
  3. Create happiness boosting traditions with your co-workers.
  4. Have a track of your teams work in case of emergencies.
  5. Give Leadership opportunities to every member of the team.
  6. Celebrate achievements and compliment each other. Grow as a TEAM
  7. Encourage breaks and take Road trips with the team at least twice a year. This can be very helpful in terms of improving work efficiency and boosting creativity.
  8. Schedules are important but Productivity is much more important. Maintaining schedules with less productivity is not good.
  9. Networking outside office. Always have a community of people with whom you can interact, share and gain knowledge. Community matters.
  10. Staying in touch even if you are not officially part of the Team.

These are a few things I learnt from the 13 months I worked in the Design Team of Report Bee.

I would like to thank Jack Anto for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this great team and teaching me great values. All the knowledge that I have gained is because of my TEAM ( Jack, Jeevan, Danny, Jiva, Sathish, Yeshvanth, Prakash) and the all the interns of Design team.

Thank You Report Bee :D

Design Team of Report Bee
Bees of Report Bee

