Theme Thursday — A Team Building Exercise

#02 Blog Thursday

Jack Anto


My style and my way! — Stylist Designers and Design Team.
What are designers? Wrong grammar! Yup, that we The Designers.

Organising a team and especially Design Team is like crafting diamond. Bringing their individuality and making it common for all to accept is haywire. My recent struggle on how to make an effective bond inside a team and the answer I figured out is Theme is Team. When a group of people are in single theme/thought the team builds! So to make it the really true, tried out a fun experiment with my Design Team in Report Bee. Let’s do one theme per week and one day in a week.

#ThemeThursday evolved!

The designer!

  • Not good at writing/content, yeah! Because we are designers.
  • Not a good communicator, oh Yeah! Because we are designers.
  • But the designers are always fashionable in their own art forms. Yes, I’m a Designer!

Fashion, Trend & Style are part of Designer’s life. But never a designer share his/her trend or discuss his fashion forms. He always tries to make him/herself an admirable person, in his own way. And always become a stranger among the common people.

To put things on one plate, Theme Thursday worked out awesomely. Now the theme is an addition to everyone in our office. Co-workers from other team started to discuss more on our Theme Thursday and also fellow other companies mates. They started to inquire more about what will be next week theme. Yeah, that is the impact of a Theme affect a person abnormally and get intact with the common team.

A Theme that connects

Small hint on how a theme plays a significant role in building a team, at least for some time. Take a sport like Cricket, Football, Basket Ball or any team sports. Apart from the players’ jersey the supporters will be wearing the same jersey or try to resemble it in same jersey color. There will be a lot of uncommon people in the same color, to be the fact all these strangers will be united until the end of the match. They support each other, appreciate and huddle up one another. So the rule is simple a Theme will make you unite and help to build a strong Team.

Like minded is the fancy word and wisely used, but if you could able to find the commonality between people and unite the common thing. A successful team.

The theme is Team! The team is bond! And the Bond will create the invisible chain between the people.

The journey of our Theme Thursday is logged for one the year 2017, It is complete now. We did 54 Theme Thursday’s in one year. Almost covering all the fashion, trends, and gadgets.

Complete Theme Thursday list (One year of Theme Thursday)

Icons by Jiva

Small mashup of one year of all the Theme Thursdays!

Final cut by Danny

I took this pledge for fun, but it worked out humongous. A real-time experiment of bringing a Theme into a Team. I personally believe it good success start for building a team. And I’m hearing it.

#02 Blog Thursday posted, and you have finished reading it, and my chewing continues. Fingers crossed to see my last #52 Blog Thursday post.
Please share your appreciation as comments/claps. Keep stocking & Cheers.

Please share your appreciation as comments/claps. Keep stocking & Cheers.



Jack Anto

Antony Jackson A.K.A Jack Anto in common. Founder Madrasters & Founding team of Report Bee. ‘UX Searcher’