5 Belgian politicians who helped shape Europe

Reporting from Belgium
3 min readDec 4, 2016

The first step to create the peaceful and prosperous federation of Europe was made in 1951, when Belgium, West Germany, Netherlands, Luxemburg, France and Italy signed the agreement of initiation of European Coal and Steel Community. But modern European Union was confirmed only in 1992 in consequence of Maastricht Treaty. Belgium played a big role in establishing the European Union. But the question is who helped to shape this European federation, which nowadays includes 28 state members?

1. Paul Henri Spaak (1899–1972)

Belgian politician and statesman, who was one of the leaders of the Belgian Socialist Party since 1944. He is well-known as the one of “founding fathers of the European Union”. Henri Spaak supported the post-war European integration helping to create the Treaty of Rome in 1957 that gave rise to European Economic Community and led to the establishment of the European Union.

2. Leo(nard) Tindemans (1922–2014)

Member of European Parliament from 1979 to 1981 and 1989 to 1999. He is famous for his «Tindemans Report», where he defined the meaning of «European Union», stood for economic integration of Europe, common interests above interests of each country, establishment of defense forces in Europe, civil rights European citizens and integrated education programmes.

3. Wilfried Martens (1936–2013)

Flemish politician, who was selected twice as the Prime Minister of Belgium. He organized the European People’s Party — international political organization that includes different parties of christian democratic principle— in 1976 and integrated center-right organizations of Europe in it. The President of the European Union of Christian Democrats from 1993 to 1996.

4. Jean-Luc Dehaene (1940–2014)

Belgium Prime Minister (1992–1999), member of European Parliament for Christian Democrats, vice-chairman of the budget committee, the head of the UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations. Vice-president of the Convention on the Future of Europe, due to this Convention European Union constitution was established. It was the basement of the EU’s Treaty of Lisbon.

5. Herman, Count Van Rompuy (1947 — )

Belgian and European politician. Belgian Minister of Budget, Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, the Prime Minister of Belgium (2008–2009), the first long-term president of the European Council and the Euro Summit. He is considered as the “consensus-builder”, who stabilizes the European Union. He played a huge role in establishing the European Financial Stability Mechanism and the European Financial Stability Facility in 2010 to help Greece with financial debts.

