Baggage handlers in Zaventem start working again

Travellers being reorganised during the strike. FLANDERS NEWS.

After six days of intense strike and negotiations, baggage handlers of Aviapartner and their management have achieved a draft agreement which supposes the end of the strike and the improvement and increasement of the handlers’ workforce.

Baggage handlers have come back to work after accepting the agreement with Aviapartner, which has claimed that it will reorganise and improve the staff policy. Furthermore, it will invest in new workforce as well as in equipment. The aim of the strike was to protest against the old and dangerous equipment they were working with and staff shortages they have been suffering for months.

Workers of Zaventem started the strike last Thursday 25 October, one day before the start of the autumn holidays. As a consequence, a huge number of flights, incoming and outcoming from all over the globe, were cancelled during the last six days.

Some of the flights were reschedule to the nearest airports, whereas others had to be totally cancelled. Only airlines working with Aviapartner such as Ryanair, Easyjet, British Airways have suffered from the strike. Brussels Airport expects to return to normal flights schedule within the next few days.

