There’s a story behind every drop of genever

Cristina Guzmán Vargas
Reporting from Belgium
5 min readNov 11, 2021

In the 16th century, when for the first time grain liquor was flavored with juniper berries, the traditional genever emerged in the Low Countries. Hiding a great history, that still leaves its mark on the present, this liqueur is not just a drink, but an experience.

The national drink of Belgium is undoubtedly beer, but as a national drink it is without any doubt accompanied by genever.

The genever, as Harry Fabel says on his blog, is the national spirit of Belgium. Produced by fermentation of grain starch, it is a strong drink with a neutral taste and a slight juniper aroma. Two types of genever are distinguished according to their distillation technique.

A fact that cannot fail when taking genever is to drink it cold or at room temperature in small glasses as a shot. There are places and shops especially dedicated to this liquor and you even cannot miss it on markets and festival such as the Christmas Markets or the genever Fest in Hasselt.

The great variety of flavors that distillers have come to create over time means that, to try all of them, you need almost as much time as to taste all the beers that are produced in this same country. You can find flavors such as almond, chocolate, fruity, vanilla and a long etcetera of tastes.

Originally, genever emerged in the Netherlands as a digestive remedy, although it is expanding throughout most of Europe, we will focus on the country of Belgium and specifically on the city of Hasselt in which it has formed, and still forms, highly relevance.

A genever distillery in the Hasselt’s museum.

As Genever Museum Hasselt explains, throughout history, Genever has taken different forms and has varied by region. It is said that there is a love-hate relationship. On the one hand, it was a source of joy but also of intense sadness and concern. There was a great source of income, but it had to be considered that it was dangerous for people’s health.

There is no good genever without a good distillation process. It is said that the Ararbs were the ones who invented the art of distillation and it spread throughout Europe thanks to the universities and cloisters.

As we have said before, this famous drink served as a medicine for numerous disorders as well as being over time a stimulant with results that cause euphoria.

On the official website of the Genever Museum Hasselt we can read how in Hasselt the production of genever only took off when Holland occupied the territory between 1675–1681. It was not until the industrial revolution in the 19th century that the production of liquor in Belgium began to be activated, reaching a considerable increase in performance thanks to the machinery.

After many ups and downs in the industry, in recent decades, interest in genever has proliferated thanks to the invention of fruit flavors and interest in regional products. In fact, the genever is geographically protected by the European Union since 2008.

If you go to the Genever museum in Hasselt you can find a wide variety of rooms where there are all kinds of machinery and utensils from the past that transports you to the working life of the distilleries several decades ago.

The Genever Museum tells you about the history and production, turning Genever not only into a drink but as a form of education. As they leave reflected as the slogan “Have a drink, it’s educational”. In addition, the experience is much more rewarding when at the end of the tour they offer you a variety of types of liquor for you to try.

The Limburg City Museum used to be a fully functioning 19th century genever distillery and today you can follow in the footsteps to make genever in the museum.

Genever production is currently more active than we think because in Belgium, specifically in Hasselt, there are many distillers who work every day to be able to continue with the business of this precious liquor.

On the one hand, we have the Fryns distiller, which has been working since the end of the 18th century. It is a company that, as they say on their website, is defined as sustainable and authentic and always has respect for tradition as a forefront.

Another company that is dedicated to collaborating in the sale of Belgian liquor is the Konings bottling company. This company plays an important role in creating the business.

There is no alcoholic drink without a good party. Therefore, every year the Genever Fest is celebrated in Hasselt as the genever capital. As explained on the official website of the Geneverfeesten, during the third weekend of October, the citizens of Hasselt celebrate their tradition with music, dance, street theater, parades, and a lot of genever. “Those are the Geneverfeesten, two days long they turn the city upside down.”

Genever, in all flavours, plays a leading role at the Hasselt Genever Festival

The museum guide tells us that genever is so important in Belgium and especially in Hasselt. In the 19th century, cheap genever was so plentiful in the city that it frequently led to excessive drinking. Sometimes that still occurs today….

In conclusion, we have been able to see how to create a good product it is necessary to consider that going through a not very easy history, through a manufacturing process until enjoyment. The popularity of this drink in Belgium makes it essential today to bring a natural product to the market and allow people to enjoy the pure taste of craftsmanship. This is what makes it special.

