Discovering Hasselt on a bike tour

Pauline Declaye
Reporting from Belgium
5 min readOct 20, 2017

Exploring the province of Limburg with your bike is quite an adventure. Forget all your preconceived ideas about Hasselt and the tiny province of Limburg and take a fresh look at what the region can offer. By cycling between the area of the city and the countryside, be prepared to discover an unexpected place which will take your breath away.

The best way to discover the province of Limburg, is through the Limburg cycling network. The network offers 2,000 kilometers of mainly car free roads to discover the province peacefully. The network takes you through a magical changing landscape. You will pass by the flat region of the Kempen in the north of the province. On your way, you will cross the river area of the Maasland and the hilly landscape of the Voerstreek. Then, you will go on to the wavy landscape of the Hesbaye in the south of the province. If you want to discover all the different landscapes of Limburg, it is better to do it in several days.

Along the Limburg cycling network, you will find blue signs which show you which path to take next. You can find all the routes on a map and create your own route simply by riding from node to node. But do not worry, the Limburg cycling network is quite a flat one. There is no need to be a professional biker to go on this adventure. You can enjoy the region freely and at your own pace. So, now that we are prepared, let’s go!

On our way to the canal

The canal Albert

Start your trip next to the University of Hasselt. After discovering the city for a few minutes, you leave the busy area of the town behind you to enter a more peaceful place along the canal Albert.

The Albert canal was built after the First World War, between 1930 and 1939. It was used as a defence line during the two World Wars. The canal links Anvers to Liège and is the biggest inside waterway in Belgium. It is used for transport. Besides, at least 40 tonnes of cargo travel from Anvers to Liège per year. The canal is more and more used because it is an endurable alternative to truck transportation. The Albert canal is not only used for transport but also for recreation. Along the canal, you can see fishermen and cross the path of other cyclists.

To the countryside

Do not think that you have already seen all that the province of Limburg has to offer! It is now that the wonder begins and that Limburg shows you its magic secret areas. Let’s enter a region of fairytales…

Herkenrode Abbey

After leaving the blue water of the canal, you enter the green landscape of the countryside of Limburg. Thanks to the nature, the big green patches of trees and the calm reign, the countryside transforms itself into a wonderful quiet place only kindly disturbed by birds signing. Take a moment to admire the nature that surrounds you before continuing your way.

Flow through curtains of trees with leaves in the Autumn colours to get to the Herkenrode Abbey.

Herkenrode Abbey

The Herkenrode Abbey is an abbey of 600 years old which used to shelter cistercian nuns. The building and its area of 100 ha of nature are now protected as a national historical monument and landscape. During the weekend, the site is quite lively with tourists and sometimes events are organized in the surroundings of the abbey. The Herkenrode Abbey has its own beer which is sold on location but brewed in the Cornelissen Brewery in Opitter, also located in the province of Limburg.

Next, you go back on our bikes and cycle through the trees and the magical smell of the forest to get to a piece of “Provence” in the province of Limburg.

The unique patch of Provence in Limburg, the Limburg lavendel.

Yes, we can say that Limburg also has its little Provence area thanks to Limburg Lavendel. It is a farm with a small patch of fields of lavender which smells and makes you feel like you are in the south of France for a moment. To visit them, it is better to come during the summer to be able to admire the mauve and vivid colour of the lavender fields.

Let’s end on a magical note!

After your little trip to France, you return to the Limburg countryside and grab your bike once again to cycle through the quietness of the Autumn trees to reach the area of De Wijers.

The land of 1001 ponds, de Wijers

De Wijers is also known as the land of 1001 ponds, due to its significant pond area and its omnipresence of protected plants and animals. While crossing the enchanting area of De Wijers, you can come across birds such as bittern, egret or cormorant and amphibians such as tree frogs. Do not hesitate to stop for a while to admire the ponds, the plants and the animals and enjoy the quietness and peacefulness of the region.

Grab your bike to reach the end of your adventure. Your heart is now full of magic thanks to the discovery of the secret magic areas of Limburg.

Exploring Hasselt with your bike is a wonderful adventure. Through the combination of town and countryside you will discover a magical city which has not yet revealed all its secrets.

