Do cycling — explore the world and yourself

Reporting from Belgium
5 min readOct 16, 2016

Everything started in Hasselt when I suddenly noticed a bus stop for the first time. There were numbers of buses, timetables, maps and something else that was extremely strange for me, which caught my attention. I could not entirely recognize what the sign of a bicycle with white numbers in the blue circle signified. And I decided to find out anyway.

Then I realized that everybody in Belgium is cycling (even small children and old people) and it must be connected with the odd blue signs I had already seen. It is a way of transportation and traveling as common as cars, buses and metro tube. Surely, I wanted to do my own trip through Hasselt and its breathtaking countryside. And then I found out that there was an absolutely amazing and extraordinary thing like the cycling junction network.

I suppose that cycle junction is one of the most attractive tourist experiences in Belgium, especially in Hasselt, the capital of cycling province Limburg. To tell you the truth, I had never heard about it before. Of course there are roads for cycling in Russia too, but there is not a real well developed network with bicycle stops, cafes, bike rental and repair services, apps, route planners and even overnight accommodations for cyclists.

Cycling Junction network was invented in Belgium in 1995 by engineer Hugo Bollen (in the East side of province Limburg). And then this model of cycling was copied by other countries. Via this network by choosing destinations and combining numbers you can plan your journey throughout the whole Belgium. Every junction has its own number and description so it is impossible to get lost. It counts of 390 numbers of junctions and 2000km of cycling routes.

Cycle junction network has a long story of evolution. It became popular in 1999 in Limburg in Netherlands and made cycling very sexy again. The next year it had already covered other Limburgian regions. In 2002 cycle routes appeared in South-Limburg. Also this year different kinds of promotions were invented. Can you imagine this network was developing so fast that in the early 2000 it counted 2 millions cyclists per year. In 2005 all routes were marked down on 1 map. And few years later the new generation of electric bicycles was presented to the world. Nowadays the cycle junction network is getting more and more interesting and creative and finding new ways of development. For example, now you can even cycle through water. There are different thematical cycling routes. And in the future we will have a great opportunity to ride bicycle underground and in the air, or at least in the trees.

The first important stop was at the Albert Canal. It is a huge and essential economic waterway between Antwerp and Liege, which was made in 1939. It connects two main rivers, Meuse and Scheldt. Its length is 129,5 km and depth is about 3,4 m. There are 6 sets of canal water locks and the total height difference between them is 56 m. If you saw it by yourself you would definitely realize how big, beautiful and powerful it was.

The next things, which absolutely impressed me, were the nature and the landscape. This province is famous for a huge amount of ponds, more than 1000. Confluence of the nature and the human here is overwhelming. Horses and cows were browsing so close to us that we could easily touch them. I suppose it is almost common in Belgium, but it is definitely strange for Russia.

Also I need to admit that the weather was perfect for riding bicycles. The sun was shining through green leaves and I was following the movements of fantastic shadows. We were riding by the Provincial Domain of Bokrijk and Arboretum and I was really excited. It is the biggest historical open-air museum in Europe. Here you can explore daily life of people as it was 100 years ago, find out a lot about regional arts and crafts. Also we have seen the Children’s Farm Kiewit. It is a 19th century villa with farmhouses and domestic animals.

And the best pleasure for me was cycling through water. There was a cycle route through two different ponds, which were surrounded by high green trees. It was so special and extraordinary that I could not believe that it was real. There were little ducks and sophisticated white swans. The water was so pure and deep blue that you could think you were in a fairytale. I had the feeling that I had found a harmony between the whole world and myself at that moment.

It was a great experience. But honestly, it was not so easy as it seemed to be. It was really hard because I had made about 15 km through approximately 6 cycling junctions. You have to be physically prepared for such trip, but I am sure this attraction is worth it and it is just a matter of time to get used to. I consider cycle junction network can help us to improve our health, save the world, explore new horizons and broaden our minds. Just imagine, I was cycling less than three hours and how many things i had seen…

I really loved it so much, but at the same time I was so sad and puzzled because I realized how it differed from my own somewhat wild and old-fashioned country. It would take a lot of time and effort to produce such kind of cycle network in Russia. And even more time to change our minds and explain people that it is an absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy, comfortable and sexy way of travelling which can make us more happy by connecting to each other and to nature.

