Renovated panels of “Mystic Lamb” are revealed

Reporting from Belgium
2 min readOct 12, 2016

The first restoration phase of the back side famous “Adoration of a mystic lamb” by van Eyck brothers was ended last week. The result was presented in the Sint-Baafs Cathedral in the historic center of Ghent.

“The adoration of a mystic lamb” is a huge twelve-panel altarpiece, which measures 3,4 and 4,4 meters. It was painted by the Van Eyck Brothers between 1430 and 1432 for Sint-Baafs Cathedral chapel.

The restoration of 8 first panels started in 2012. It took 4 years to renew them because of the worst condition of paintings. The Flemish government and sponsors had to spend even more money on the restoration, 2 millions euros instead of 1,35. Restorers have done a meticulous job patiently completing merely a piece with dimensions of 4 centimeters by 4 centimeters in a whole day. The canon of cathedral Ludo Collin said Van Eyck’s technique and in-depth details had appeared again.

There will be the next restoration phase of the central and most crucial part of the masterpiece, where the adoration of mystic lamb itself happens . So it might take even more efforts and time; consequently, it is impossible now to predict when it will be entirely completed.

You can see the restoration of first 8 panels for free from 12th till 16th October in Sint-Baafs Cathedral.

