The shadow of fashion lands in Hasselt’s Modemuseum

Nacho Sanchis
Reporting from Belgium
4 min readJan 7, 2018

The Modemuseum in Hasselt, is now welcoming the exposition “Vulgar fashion redefined”, in where fashion is analyzed from another point of view.

Fashion. Something always under the debate, and something that a lot of people love. But fashion is not only opinions, fashion has history and in the Modemuseum now there is an exhibition in where you can lear a little bit of that. The guide of the museum Prisce was the one who took care of explain the exposition to the group that went there, and she showed how good guide she is.

The “imitation of an imitation” dress

In the first part of the exposition, classic culture was the point. The imitation of old clothes similar to the greek ones, were the subject of these part of the exposition -which was on the first floor-; also, clothes of old weddings could be found in this section, all whites and very puritan. Which actually, was curious, was that some clothes were imitation of an imitation: it was a clothe “new” in where an imitation of an classical clothe was like up the new clothe.

Also in the first floor, a section of daring dresses were located. With Walter Van Bierendonck as the most important designer of these section. This person enjoys by creating different clothes which actually breaks the expectations of everybody. In fact, as the guide said: “He sometimes says that he surprised himself with the clothes that he creates”. An it’s totally logical, just if we look at the picture, we will see a body that is really like a dress, and a beard like field, with is something very original and not everybody can create that.

Walter Van Bierendonck dress

And, talking about beards, there wasn’t only dresses in the exposition, but pictures. A section in where it was showed “how to be fashion with your beard” in the century XVII, when not a lot of people used to have it.

Prisce, the guide of the tour, explains:

The hipster style of the beard that we know today is not important, because nowadays everybody, have one. But in the antiquity, the style of the beard was very important, and in this section we can see how the style of the beards was careful.

While the visit continues, we change the time and the style of the clothes. We move away of the classical style and we change to a contemporary style where clothes try to say something, or have a meaning.
One part of this style of clothes, are the ones who look like pictures of artist. The idea is translate a picture of an artist inside a dress, creating “double art” in where you are creating a dress which is a piece of art, but with the idea of a picture which, actually, was considered art before. The effect is awesome.

The “picture-dress”

If you thought that food and clothes can’t be merged, you were wrong. Because in the same section, there is an exposition of “dress-food” . Dresses in where there are stitched candies, drinks or tomato cans. This last one, is the perfect combination between a dress with an picture inside himself (an imitation of the artwork of Andy Warhol in 1962), and of course, food. Don’t go to the visit hungry! You will regret it

Sometimes, clothes can speak, and in one section of the exposition, they do. An extreme section that, as a matter of fact, is called “Extreme bodies”. Inside it every dress will surprise you, because of the combination: a torpedo inside a dress or crows used as a hat are two of the several kind of dresses that you can find there, this was, maybe, the most shocking part of the exposition, but where you will enjoy

The hat with crows

And while the end of our visit is coming, we move away of weird dresses, and we get into the puritan section or into the baroque. In this two parts, all the things remind us again to the classical part of the history, but this time more in the century XV or XVI than in the old Greece.

