January 23, 1867 — A Sharp Pair of Thieves

James Mathieson
Reporting History
Published in
Jan 23, 2023
Photo by Benjamin Rascoe on Unsplash

About half-past 6 o’clock last evening a genteel-iooking young man stepped into K. Fest’s jewelry store, No 141 North Eighth street, and asked a youth who had charge of the place (Mr. Fest having stepped out for a short lime), to look at a couple of gold watches in the show-case. The youth handed them out, when the fellow seized one of the time-keepers and made off with it. The youth ran after the thief, leaving the store without an attendant. While absent another man entered the store, picked up the other watch, and succeeded in getting off with it.

Source: The Evening Telegraph, Philadelphia, PA, January 23, 1867

