May 3, 1888 — Arrested for Rifling Mails

James Mathieson
Reporting History
Published in
May 4, 2023
Photo by sue hughes on Unsplash

Hastings, Neb., May 2 — [Special Telegram to the Bee ]— Postoffice Inspector Fredrick caused the arrest yesterday of J. R. Gatewood, postmaster at Eustis, Neb., for rifling registered and ordinary letters, and stealing public funds. Gatewood gambled and drank excessively. He used $170 worth of stamps sent in January to pay board and gambling debts, received money for postage and cast unstamped mall into the rubbish. Two hundred dollars at least has been rifled from letters. He has been absent from the office two weeks. He was found in a Cozad, Neb., saloon tending bar and taken to Omaha to-day for a preliminary hearing.

Source: Omaha Daily Bee, Omaha, NE, May 3, 1888

