September 3, 1861 — Steamboat Captured

James Mathieson
Reporting History
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2024


Western Democrat, Charlotte, NC

We copy the following from the Memphis Appeal, of the 18th:

On Thursday morning the 14th inst., while the stern-wheel steamer “Equality,” which is owned by the Lincoln Government, and used as a river patrol between Cairo and Evansville, on the Ohio River, was lying at the Mouth of Mayfield creek, at the head of Island №1, about three miles below Bird’s Point, taking on board marketing, for the troops at Cairo, a party of seven horsemen rode up to the boat and made a bargain with the Captain to convey them to Norfolk, on the Missouri shore, (where there are two of Lincoln’s regiments encamped,) at the rate of a dollar each for themselves and horses. As soon as the boat pushed out, the pilot and other officers of the boat were astonished to find a loaded pistol pointed at each of their breasts, accompanied with instructions to head the boat down stream. It is needless to say that the orders thus given were immediately obeyed. Upon the arrival of the boat at Columbus, twenty miles from Cairo, the crew was set to work taking in coal, the captors retiring to the hotel to narrate the particulars of the capture, and also to refresh the inner man. Before each of the seven had given his own version of the affair, the proprietor came rushing down from the roof, where he had stationed himself on watch, and reported, “the gun boat’s coming — he had seen the smoke.” That was more than the captors had bargained for, and six of the seven incontinently backed out, and would have nothing further to do with the matter. The seventh one immediately started for the boat, with a bottle of “Red Eye,” and after a short discourse with the crew, ordered the plank in, and soon the “solitary horseman” with his prize, was steaming down the Mississippi, en route for New Madrid. In about an hour and a half, two of the Lincoln gunboats, the Lexington and Conestoga the former carrying six and the latter two guns passed Columbus in full chase. At 5 o’clock P. M., they passed Hickman, eighteen milts below; but had not gained upon the runaway. Before the Equality reached Island №10, fuel became scarce, and the prospect of a recapture imminent, when to the utter joy of the “horsemarine,” the Confederate dispatch steamer Grampus, came booming up the river. She was soon alongside, and taking the prize in tow, carried her to Madrid, where the gallant “horse marine” turned her over to the General Commanding the Confederate forces at that point.

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