September 4, 1861 — Balloon Adventures

James Mathieson
Reporting History
Published in
1 min read2 days ago


Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, IL

Prof. Lowe made another ascension yesterday afternoon from Balls Cross Roads. He saw plenty of soldiers at work on the fortifications which the rebels are building along the ridge known as Munson’s Hill; six horses seemed to be drawing a heavy piece of artillery to its position. A hundred and fifty of our cavalry watched the balloon until it began to descend. Soon after Lowe touched ground in a field close to the Cross Roads, two rifled cannon shots in quick succession, struck within three rods of him, and one of them at the point where the cavalry had been posted a moment before. No one was hit, but had the shot been shell, aeronaut, balloon, and guard might have been put out of the rebel’s way.

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