War and Peace at Standing Rock — Image Courtesy of Doug Akin

“I wanted to share with you some of my sentiments after spending last week at Standing Rock Reservation and being witness to beauty and spirit smack against oppression and injustice. Thank you for allowing me to share.

I was drawn to this effort because I deeply resonate with a group of people standing up as Water Protectors, people that are standing up for the earth and the preservation of it, people honoring their culture and asking for it to be equally honored.

It was clear to me I wanted to physically be there and support however I could; with love, with my hands, with my heart, with a deep knowing that we need to do our best to live in balance with nature. I chose to join those with such a spirit, before it is too late, before we say, ‘we should’ve done something to protect the earth,’ to support hundreds of nations of people who have amongst horrible acts of destroying their culture still carry a determination to work with these very same institutions to make the world a better place for all.

Upon arriving at Standing Rock, I was overcome with a spirit of unity, a coming together of people from all across the world, joining in solidarity. I learned, in solidarity you find strength and that spirit cannot be broken, even thru attempts by force.

Everyone works as a team here. Everyone looks out for one another. Everything is shared. Even as I write, I am aware everything is a metaphor, for where is here but right now, always now. This is the living prayer that we walk in recognition of. All have been welcome to Standing Rock as guests of those native to the land. You’ve seen how forces treat the guests with the rubber bullets and water hoses, imagine how they treat those residing there.

On the beauty side of the coin, amidst such political transition it is a testament to the human spirit to see so many people sharing and caring for the earth and one another.

Gifts pour in from every tuck of the globe. I see bags from coffee roasters to warm our spirits with positive messages of hope and encouragement. I pull hand written notes out of wool hats saying ‘we are with you, protect our waters.’ Tears roll down my face as I pay witness to these acts of humanity. I work side by side with new faces each day, people from almost every state that calls itself United. This is the coming together that many have prayed for, that many ancestral prophecies have stated, and part of what has drawn so many together; solidarity.

The media will use the word protest. It feels important to emphasize the words Water Protectors in our language as much as possible, lands are being protected not protested.

The week for me was spent building teepees, yurts, erecting kitchen tents, lending a kind ear, giving hugs where needed, washing dishes, carrying wood, whatever needed to be done. But I don’t want to make this about me

On the final night as the sun set there was a rush of energy to the public bridge. I witnessed people of all ages, races, from all around the world treated worse than human cattle. Not one of the protectors carried a weapon, yeah maybe some were loud with their spirit, and that’s because we need to exercise our voices.

When police sprayed water cannons, many in my camp still sent them love. Pepper spray was used by police, the cleansing spirit of sage by protectors. There is no us or them, we are all in this together and we need to grow thru it together.

Endless streams of water cannons went on for hours in freezing temps. Is this America I thought? Seemed so surreal. I helped the medics pull people from the front line, eyes stinging, faces burnt, of young kids, and elders, I didn’t have enough time to think, just act.

It was a wild night to experience and a sharp difference from when I arrived where I saw so much peace and cooperation and then on the final night to see a never ending barrage against people, not just native people, all people.

How could this be happening after all these years? I returned to the sacred fire, a place that offered constant wisdom and warmth on cold and challenging nights.

I sat next to an elder native woman. I turned to her seeking to greater understand the issues, ‘how do you see all of this?’ She gently turned her head amongst the warming embers and said ‘there is a war globally against natives of the land, because they are the ones standing up for natural resources, they are protecting the land.’

In the past few days I’ve done my best to read many articles and make sense of the issue.

The assessment of this pipeline was dubious. Natives have historically had their treaties broke the moment their is a profit opportunity in their land.

We can all stand up for what we believe in. For me it’s the environment and how we nurture our fellow human kind. The origin of the word human means ‘of and for the land.’ Not just of, ‘for the land!’

We can do a better job. We can live in balance with nature and treat natives with respect. We can think about the larger effects our actions will have on the environment.

So I took a stand with many beautiful brothers and sisters, daughters, mothers, elder and stewards of the earth.

Listen to the call. It’s there. Maybe it’s an act done locally, a blanket and a note of hope for the homeless. Maybe an environmental issue like Standing Rock is happening in your backyard. Water connects us all. We are made up of it.

I pray for the police, we all do. I send love to all, for in the opposition we always find an opportunity to learn, to reaffirm what we are fighting for in the beating drum of our hearts.

Amongst Sunday’s onslaught, many attempts were made to weaken thru weaponry. I joined a group on bridge singing, drumming, echoing a call for peace, an the offering of unity. Water Cannons attacks were greeted by peaceful prayer, not a single weapon carried by the protectors. Humbling!

If you are called, research the treaties, the injustices.

Even if you oppose what I am saying I want to learn from you, and I would encourage us to all ask this;

If we are treating people like this in broad daylight with cameras rolling, how are we treating the earth, in the still of the night?

Thank you. Please comment. I remain of service however I can on the issue. I believe this is just the start, their will be a coming together of all peoples protecting the environment, nurturing one another, care taking the land, restoring our nature. This is our living myth, the living prophecy that we are witness to.

This is not about choosing sides, it’s about taking a stand for what is in our hearts.

I stand with the Earth

I stand with Standing Rock

I remain Humble”

Reposted with permission. Original post and images can be read and seen on Doug Akin’s Facebook profile here.

These are first-hand reports from Standing Rock. Please share them. And if you have one to post yourself, please email standingrocknews@gmail.com. Before you go to Standing Rock yourself, please read this.

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Ali Katz
First-Hand Reports from Standing Rock

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