“It’s seriously deadly out there.” First-hand report from Standing Rock.

Ali Katz
First-Hand Reports from Standing Rock
3 min readDec 9, 2016
Photo by Eric J Morris

Live feed from Miguel Michael Angel.

Plus, a message sent from Lindsey Love Whited.

“Hey friends! Sorry for my lack of communication, reception is sparse and the elements have been rough. I am safe and warm writing from the Prairie Knights Casino just outside of Standing Rock with a few thousand vets, natives and other water protectors who are held up here due to an intense storm that came through yesterday with sub zero temperatures, 50 mile and hour winds and complete whiteouts.

I have never experienced cold like this on my life, it’s seriously deadly out there. Though the storm is intense it is beautiful how it has brought us all together and created an intimate indoor Standing Rock experience. Most of the people here including me don’t have rooms so we are all laid out in sleeping bags in the main auditorium where there have been performances, ceremonies and even a huge Powwow that is happening as I write.

I had the opportunity to help Winona, a native woman who runs a kitchen at camp, cook dinner here tonight for the vets. The past few days have been beautiful with the thousands of vets arriving along with clergy and spiritual leaders of all faiths coming together to protect and pray for the waters, this sacred land and take a stand against the injustices the tribes on this land and all lands are experiencing.

There is no question that what has happened the past few days has been potent, has made an impact, and has rippled out to the rest of the world. I want to be clear that this fight is not over!!!

Regardless of what information may be circulating from other media sources, DAPL is not halting drilling and will continue to drill while being charged 50,000 per day. As long as the government and local law enforcement doesn’t enforce these illegal acts, not much will change.

Elders at Oceti are asking people to not come right now due to intense weather conditions. It’s a big liability if people come unprepared, we saw at least 50 cars abandoned off the side of the road.

If you are feeling called to come I would say come at your own risk, make sure you have a warm structure with stove to sleep in and you have ample firewood, propane, insulated clothes, water and food, 4 wheel drive and chains.

I would also say only consider going If you receive a direct invitation from an indigenous elder. For those at home, please continue to pray and send money directly to the ocetisakowincamp.org website. I have much more to say but calling it a night for now. Should be arriving back home by Friday and planning a story telling gathering soon. Love and miss you all!”
- Lindsey Love Whited

These are first-hand reports from Standing Rock. Please share them. And if you have one to post yourself, please email standingrocknews@gmail.com. Before you go to Standing Rock yourself, please read this.

And, if you want more people to see and read these first-hand reports, please press the little heart button down there and recommend this post.



Ali Katz
First-Hand Reports from Standing Rock

Offering a values-aligned, holistic model for your life, legacy & LIFT (legal, ins, fin, tax) decisions in a time of mass confusion. http://www.TheAliKatz.com