Unpublished First-Hand Report from Michael Costuros re the eviction notice

Ali Katz
First-Hand Reports from Standing Rock
2 min readNov 29, 2016

“Going to bed with the news of our eviction notice, I woke up this morning eager to know what the native leadership will decide to do.

I walked around camp and spoke with groups who have been planning to stay through the winter, asking if they will honor the eviction request. I have to admit, given the likely violent conflict and loss of personal property that will ensue on the 5th if they stay, I was a little surprised that not one of them thought they would leave.

These are not warriors, but normal folk, native and non-native, young and old.

And I get it. Enough’s enough, like Ghandi, MLK, and Rosa Parks before them, they are ready to die rather than be stopped on one more time.

The way I see it, the Army Core of Engineers, DAPL, and Energy Transfer Partners have created the perfect “Rosa Parks” moment. The Lakota Sioux people are not going to go to the back of the bus as ordered.

For the better part of 500 years, native peoples of this country have been forced to the back of the bus or killed. What makes this even more tragic is that the bus was theirs, to begin with!

The question of whether leadership would stand or kneel was answered today in this press conference. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1810070989265405&id=100007875630375


Rest assured, all women, children, and elders will be moved to the Rosebud reservation Sacred Stone camp 100 yards away across the Cannonball river. This is a safe place because it is reservation land. Only the warriors will stay behind in what will likely be the largest act of civil disobedience since… well to be honest I don’t know when.

Above all, they ask that you pray for them, and the perpetrators, who’s hearts must be terribly wounded to be willing to perpetrate violence in the way that they have and will be.”

These are first-hand reports from Standing Rock. Please share them. And if you have one to post yourself, please email standingrocknews@gmail.com. Before you go to Standing Rock yourself, please read this.

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Ali Katz
First-Hand Reports from Standing Rock

Offering a values-aligned, holistic model for your life, legacy & LIFT (legal, ins, fin, tax) decisions in a time of mass confusion. http://www.TheAliKatz.com