Discovering New Partners While Working Remotely

Jaime Getto
Published in
Oct 19, 2020

A Changing Landscape
It’s more important now than ever for suppliers to find new distribution partners. Historically, in the travel and events industries, suppliers have relied on time-consuming, expensive trade shows to discover new partners. The pandemic has shifted many of these large events to virtual sessions or put them on pause entirely for the time being. With such a major shift in trade shows, and with most of the world working remotely, how can suppliers find and connect with new partners to help grow their businesses?

Growing Your Business & Creating Community
With Reposite, we’re empowering our users to be more efficient through technology and helping to maintain the human connection we all seek in this virtual world. Suppliers are already using Reposite to manage their current partnerships, so it was a no-brainer for us to start building the ability to discover new partners.

With our new discovery feature, suppliers will be able to search for new partners by location, group size, target audience, and organization type. Once a new partner is unlocked, suppliers will get instant access to all of their information and vice versa and can start building that new relationship, ultimately leading to additional business opportunities.

Want to be one of the first to unlock new partners when this new feature is released? Click here to request access to the Discover beta.

