Maximize Your Pipeline With Enhanced Proposal Management

Jaime Getto
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2020

Setting Up For Success
Reposite is the all-in-one workspace to power travel and event professionals. In order to effectively use an all-in-one workspace, the first step is ensuring that your data is clean — that’s why we built a CRM tailored for the travel and events industry right into your Reposite dashboard. This allows you to store and search for all of your client and supplier information in one central location.

However, simply moving static supplier details online isn’t enough. This information quickly becomes outdated, whether it be a NET rate agreement up for renewal or a changing point of contact. We launched managed supplier profiles to solve for this pain point: The supplier maintains their own profile, giving you instant access to all of their information, and any updates or changes made are received in real-time.

Bringing It All Together With Proposals
Once you’ve migrated your database into Reposite, the fun begins. It’s no secret that clients often make very detailed requests — perhaps a client wants a unique way to tour downtown Manhattan that’s available in English, Spanish and can accommodate their group of 30. Now, you can easily filter your database for these specifications, and with Reposite’s Proposals feature, you can link the matching suppliers directly to a specific proposal.

So, let’s say you’re tasked with pitching a client for a corporate team offsite in New York City. Enter the basic details of your proposal like the name, client, date range, budget, and then start adding relevant suppliers to the pitch.

Once you win that new business, you can update the status of your proposal to confirmed. Updating the proposal status helps you stay organized, and gets your suppliers excited that new business is headed their way.

