Why You Need a Custom Database

Alexa Berube
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2020

Many of our jobs have overarching important consistencies. We value a lot of the same things in our day-to-day: good organization, excellent communication, being efficient with our time.

Yet it’s really in the nuances where our jobs get to shine. For the travel trade, those nuances have never been specifically addressed by a software tool. To date, there’s been a lot of makeshift solutions, ranging from a series of countless folders to overcrowded excel spreadsheets to attempting to customize existing CRM’s that were built with a totally different industry in mind.

We created Reposite as a tool specifically for the travel trade to address each and every need in one central location. It’s an affordable all-in-one workspace that was built with and by people who know exactly the tasks that make up your day-to-day.

An Upgrade to Digital

Many of us in the travel industry have historically been operating on a mixture of written files and digital records. Maybe some information is kept between emails with clients, others are printed out and stored in cabinets or binders. Centralizing everything all in one place not only makes your life easier by ensuring you only have one place to go to, but best yet — we built Reposite with advanced search functionality so once your information is in there, it’s as quick and easy as typing in a few words to pull up all the information you need.

Imagine you are putting together a proposal for a group of 30 coming to NYC, they want an Italian dining experience, in Midtown Manhattan, in a private room, that offers gluten free options. Instead of digging through outdated PDF’s in a filing system or spreadsheet you could simply enter that into Reposite’s search filters and be presented with a list of restaurants from your database that meet that criteria. Our goal is to save you a ton of time so you can focus more on what you love, building relationships with your clients & suppliers and winning more new business.

A Workspace Built For You

There are other tools that exist for the travel industry that may have helped hit a few of your needs, but nothing that exists to fulfill all your day to day needs in one central location. For example, if you own a travel business and you truly want to move it online you would need to purchase booking/reservation software, proposal/itinerary software, payment software, task management software, and some kind of CRM. This poses three major challenges, the first is that it’s extremely time consuming to select and onboard all these new tools & to train up your team on how to effectively use them, second it can get expensive very quickly, and third when you need to move between 6, 7, 8 different systems you are no longer operating efficiently. All of these tools are great and function exactly as they should. But Reposite was built for and with the travel trade, so it has and anticipates your needs as a business.

Ready to get started? Sign up here.



Alexa Berube
Editor for

Co-founder @ Reposite - a marketplace connecting travel professionals to vetted suppliers