Share from the scar and not from the wound

Don’t tell your story when you’re (too) deep in the middle of it.

Bradley Charbonneau
2 min readOct 18, 2019


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Sure, there are occasions when that makes sense (where you are now, play-by-play of a process) but when it comes to a more “transformational” story wait until that wound has healed to a scar.

Why wait?

Only when you’re done, when you’re through the “hard part” or the deepest valley of despair can you look back and see what you’ve learned.

So what?

Now-and only now-can you share your experience with others who are perhaps in the depths of the pain in a way that they can see the light at the end of the tunnel as you are standing in front of them as living proof saying:

I was where you are and I have now risen above it.

In other words:

  • I understand you.
  • I’ve been there.
  • I’m no longer there.
  • I can help you.

Don’t share your wound when it’s fresh. Let it heal-let yourself heal. Wait for the scar. Then tell your story.

P.S. This is part of a “challenge” from Nicoline Huizinga to “write about something we discussed today” where “today” means the Utrecht Business Breakfast where she gave a fabulous presentation about becoming “Strategically Authentic & Visible” with your brand.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Originally published at on October 18, 2019.

