My Desert Island Reading List


This is my desert island reading list. These books are all novels which I can re-read and still find enjoyable. They all have a common theme of espionage and action, with some books including many genres and themes. I recommend all of you to read these books, regardless of age. Enjoy my favourite books!

1)Alex Rider: Point Blanc

This book is one of my favourite books, it includes many descriptive scenes that never fail to intrigue me. Every time I read this book, I am always eager to find out what happens next, it’s an interesting story!

2)Alex Rider: Scorpia

This novel is very interesting as there are many plot twists and connections to Alex’s past, there are many moments in this book that will make shocked and interested to find out more, I still feel very connected to the plot even when re-reading this book!

3)CHERUB: Maximum Security

This whole series is my favourite book series, but this one in particular is very impressing. The style of this books adds a very unique touch to a very normal and common plot for a story. There are many action scenes, with gunfights and car pursuits, never fails to impress me!

4)Alex Rider: Ark Angel

This book includes my favourite topic: Space! the technical side to the story is very precise and mixing space with gun fights makes for a very adventurous story. There are many unique ideas in the story that always makes me wonder how the author thought of those things.

5)CHERUB: The Sleepwalker

This series establishes a connection from me to the plot, mainly because it is written around a teenage boy. This book includes many jaw-dropping scenes that always makes me wonder how I will survive if I was put into such as a situation, mainly because it really could happen to me!

6)Alex Rider: Russian Roulette

This book is a masterpiece, mainly because it reveals an important backstory to a very mysterious character. Throughout the series so far, this character was shrouded in mystery, with many aspects of him unknown, this books answered many of my questions about him, truly a pleasure to read!

7)CHERUB: The General

This book creates a scenario that is unlikely to happen, but still creates an intriguing plot around it. It uses a lot of humour, and places characters with many differences together, to tell a story about an unlikely partnership. It made me laugh a lot and the ideas within are truly fantastic!

8)CHERUB: New Guard

This is my favourite book of all time. It tells a story of re-unification as a group of friends unite many years later to fight one last conflict. It is a very suitable closure for such an incredible series, and the technological aspect, the fighting aspect and the aviation aspect to the story come together to create a very addictive book. I find myself re-reading this book to experience the action and the plot over again, it’s a must read!

