Republic Protocol Mainnet Beta Launch

Taiyang Zhang
Ren Protocol
2 min readSep 27, 2018


Today we officially announce the release of our Mainnet Beta! It has been a very exciting road to this point, and a big thank you to the community, our profoundly talented dev team and for all those who participated in the testnet — your feedback and efforts have been exceptional.

The network is now live and individuals can begin trading at

A reminder that all participants must KYC on RenEx before being able to trade. US citizens should use the Wyre KYC option while everyone else should use the Kyber option.

Recapping some interesting points from our journey so far:

  • The introduction of 3rd party Dark Pool support — abstraction of the order matching engine and settlement layers away from each other allowing many more use cases of the protocol to be realized including: arbitrary settlement layers — decentralized or centralized, flexibility in compliance for liquidity pools and provide freedom in choosing fee structures.
  • The successful launch of the Republic Protocol testnet — with terrific feedback and participation we achieved: 14,000+ orders matched, 500+ traders and many test Darknode participants
  • Partnering with Wyre — building liquidity and integrating institutional grade KYC to allow for compliant liquidity pools

With the launch of Mainnet Beta, Republic Protocol starts the next phase of our journey in creating the premier dark pool trading venue for digital assets. In the months following Mainnet Beta release, there will be two further iterations of the Mainnet — ‘Pequod’ and ‘Argo’ — which will introduce new order types, network upgrades, and some exciting other features.

These additions will complement the core principles of Republic Protocol and lay the foundations for a high performance, privacy-focused protocol to serve the entire ecosystem.

Thanks again to all the community for your support. Be sure to spread the word, and happy trading!

— Taiyang Zhang, CEO, Republic Protocol

About Ren

Ren is an ecosystem for unstoppable privacy. Transfer tokens in zero-knowledge, trustlessly swap between blockchains and trade on a dark pool.

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