How Everyone Can Win at Work

Katherine Liu
Reputation Management 2021
3 min readMay 21, 2021

We all show up differently at work — and that’s ok.

Image Credit: iStock

I’m a Guardian. Not of the Galaxy, but instead based on Deloitte’s Business Chemistry types. According to Deloitte, there are four different Business Chemistry types: Pioneers, Guardians, Integrators, and Drivers. And as with any personality test, each description type doesn’t perfectly mold to a person. We might find each description in ourselves at different moments, but we all have one or two dominant types in ourselves.

When Kim Christfort and her rockstar team from Deloitte came to our Reputation Management class, I was admittedly a bit skeptical of how another personality test could help with workplace chemistry. I felt these personality tests that defined people into specific categories tended to highlight individual differences and made it that much harder to find some common ground. But as Kim was describing each of the four different types, all I could hear in my head was “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I felt I could place myself and my colleagues in each of the different types.

Guardians: Stability
Known to be reserved and practical, guardians tend to not sell themselves and have an extra obligation to make things work. They are known for being more thoughtful with their answers and often think before speaking.

Hearing and reading the description of Guardians, I felt seen. I was nodding my head in agreement to everything Kim was presenting. And seeing other Guardians in our matching Zoom background in class, I didn’t feel so alone anymore. And after hearing the characterizations for the other three types, it dawned on me that these characterizations might just help bring everyone together.

Image Credit: Dilbert Cartoons

But at the same time, some types seemed to be in direct conflict with one another. As a Guardian who thrives off of stability through methodical processes, it seemed to contradict with a Pioneer’s preference for creative thinking and open-ended possibilities. It was clear based on people’s responses to what they loved and what bugged them at work there were direct contradictions to personal workstyles — some people thrived off of open-ended meetings and others preferred structure, organized agendas.

So is it really possible for everyone to win when it seems to be seemingly opposite ends of the spectrum?

How to make a productive work environment, for everyone:

1.Mutual respect and appreciation for different styles
Don’t be a jerk. There are shortcomings to each type, and acknowledging how each type contributes to a productive work environment and that these different styles can also complement one another is important.

2. Play to everyone’s strengths
Diversity in these business chemistries is more productive if they play to everyone’s strengths. Each business type has their own natural strengths, highlight and demonstrate those strengths and pull in others where you’re weak.

3. Avoid pejorative pigeonholing
Avoid assuming the opposite types couldn’t possibly do certain tasks as it contradicts their business chemistry type. People aren’t one dimensional and often have a makeup of all four different business types.

Own who you are and broadcast it — it allows others to have a better understanding of your working style and how they can best work with you.

