Chinese students of the Purdue University (Indiana), 1921

Top 6 actions UK Universities should perform on the Chinese web

The education market is more globalised than ever, and the competition amongst universities and graduate schools is rising. Visibility, prestige, and ultimately survival are at stake as the country prepares itself for a demand that is growing exponentially. In the UK alone, the market value of overseas students currently represents a staggering GBP 3.4 billion, of which Chinese students account for GBP 1.1 billion.

Julien Tissandier
Reputation Squad
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2017


International and overseas students in the UK:

International and overseas students in the UK

With Chinese international students accounting for one third of the est. 3.4 billion GBP value on the higher education market in the UK, a controlled presence on the Chinese web is becoming an absolute necessity. Yet, considering the differences between the Chinese and the Western web ecosystems, be they structural or cultural, it is no easy feat.

Indeed, with 720 million web users in China, The web has become a pillar for visibility and communications, a digital playground on which universities need to be able to make their voices heard in order to attract new students & investors, showcase their research, build their reputation, and allow for their alumni to become brand ambassadors.

Chinese web facts & figures:

Chinese web facts & figures

Although needs and strategic issues differ from an institution to the next, here are six crucial elements every university should aim to master.

1 — Make sure your university’s name is unique and translated properly

This may sound silly or obvious yet it is not uncommon for institutions and companies alike to find several translations for their name on the web. This is especially true if you are still to make an official foray into the market.

This can create confusion, affect visibility and on a more technical level hurt your search rankings. It is then up to you to clarify which name is the correct translation through your own official channels (website, social media) and Baidu Baike page.

2 — Have a Chinese version of your website that ranks high in Baidu search and provides relevant information for your audience

University websites typically have thousands of pages so the task may seem daunting at first, however the goal is not to provide a comprehensive replica of your existing website. Rather, you should aim at providing information in line with your objectives: for instance, if your main objective is to recruit more students, the website should display detailed information about courses, campus life, how to apply etc.

Bear in mind that there are a few technical aspects to consider as well: SEO, links to your Chinese social media account… If possible you should also host the website in China, which will make for a faster connection from the user’s side (less bounces) as well as help with the ranking.

3 — Make sure your Baidu Baike page provides up to date and comprehensive information

Baidu Baike, the Chinese equivalent to Wikipedia, is the number one trusted source of information for web users. Your Baidu Baike page will typically rank amongst your top three results in Baidu search. You should use this to give a factual presentation of your university, present your professors, rankings, awards, focus on research, campus facilities, partnerships with Chinese universities and any other useful information that would be of interest to your audience. This will give credibility to your institution.

Beware however, as this is by no means an advertising tool and every fact should be sourced (ideally through a third party article or website).

4 — Be present and proactive on Chinese social media

This should be a given but due to the nature of the Chinese Web, it can be a bit tricky to get this right as you need a great understanding of the local networks and culture. Sina Weibo and WeChat are the main platforms here, the first one making for a useful platform of information and updates whilst the latter is great for engaging communities.

A comprehensive strategy should include reaching out to relevant key influencers and mobilising your own students and partners network. Ideally you should try to get your accounts certified, though in order to do this for WeChat you need to justify having an official presence in China (for instance, a Chinese office).

5 — Foster partnerships and leverage your alumni network

It is important to realise that for many a student, the UK universities market is a blur of similar institutions that is difficult to navigate, especially when little information is available in Chinese. This is the reason why student placement agencies are so popular.

In order to build trust and gain credibility, showcasing your partnerships with Chinese universities is especially useful as they will provide a frame of reference in terms of where your own university stands, and will also allow for joint operations on social media and help you reach their local followers base.

You should also consider creating and organising dedicated groups for alumni. Indeed, these will be your best brand ambassadors, you could encourage them to write and talk about their experience, career after graduation, share pictures, and generally interact with them. Word of mouth will always be the best form of recommendation.

6 — Monitor mentions around your brand

There is a lot to be gained by gathering mentions on the web, be they online press articles, blog posts or social media mentions. This will help you understand what people say about your brand, map out influencers and stakeholders, detect early crisis signals or help track campaign results.

This can also be used to monitor the industry, benchmark best practices and keep an eye on your direct competition.



Julien Tissandier
Reputation Squad

Digital enthusiast and part-time rock'n'roll aficionado. Squad member @ReputationSquad