Requestly Update — March, 2024

Abhishek Sachan
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2024

Hey Requestlians,

Here is some progress we made in March and a quick sneak peek of what we’re up to.

Making frontend-backend collaboration better
(Avoid hardcoding API Responses on frontend)

A lot of application features require frontend and backend developers to collaborate, do integration testing, and then release the feature. When the backend isn’t ready, one common practice is for frontend developers to hardcode the API contract in code but they face the following problems

  • Changing the code to define the API contract/response
  • To-and-Fro on the hardcoded response during PR reviews
  • Reverting the code for API Integration & testing
  • Testing multiple scenarios is a pain

The requestly “Modify API Response” feature simplifies this a lot and can be used to stub an API response and the frontend code gets the response defined in Requestly irrespective of what the server sends or whether the server is available or not. Here are some quick resources to learn more about the feature

  1. Detailed Blog Post about Override API Response feature
  2. Demo Video
  3. LinkedIn Post

Folder/Collections support for API Mocks in Requestly Mock Server (Upcoming)

We have started working on adding the capability to organize the API Mocks in the Requestly Mock Server. We’re also adding the following capabilities along with it

  • Enable/Disable an API Mock
  • Download Mock & Collections as JSON file
  • Collection can have its path and all nested mocks will use the prefix

Check out the Github Issue for more details. Feel free to drop in your comments and share your suggestions.

Migration from Manifest V2 → ManifestV3

We have started working on migrating Requestly Browser Extension towards Manifest Version 3. We just completed the migration of HTTP Rules, and in the next couple of weeks, we should be able to migrate SessionBook & API Client as well. Then we will have a general rollout of beta for testing along with the steps before doing the full rollout. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this.

Learn why Requestly is a better alternative to Charles Proxy

A lot of Requestly users happily migrated from Charles Proxy to Requestly for the following reasons

  1. Requestly is easy to use with no setup required
  2. No VPN and Proxy Issues because Requestly uses Chrome APIs, it doesn’t change network settings
  3. No Context switching (Requestly being present in the browser, makes it easier to work)
  4. Simple, Fast & Powerful UI
  5. Collaboration using SharedLists, Team Workspaces
  6. Best Customer Support
  7. Enterprise Ready (Better Security & Compliance — GDPR, SOC2, SLAs, etc)

→ Read the complete analysis here

The Frontend Bytes

This month we created another issue of FrontendBytes and we shared about Tailwind Oxide Engine, Angular merging with Wiz, Modern Git Commands, and the new book “Success at Scale” launched by Addy Osmani. Read the complete Issue here →

Subscribe to the newsletter here →

If you’d like to contribute an article to our newsletter, we’d love to feature it. Feel free to mail us on contact [at] requestly [dot] io

Community Love

  1. Elevate your web development & testing by Dennis Martinez, Author of end-to-end testing with TestCafe
  2. The Frontend News LinkedIn Newsletter is run by Egor Storhin — A Frontend Architect at DynamicYield (A MasterCard company)

If you’d like to contribute an article to our newsletter, we’d love to feature it. Feel free to mail us on contact [at] requestly [dot] io

Case Study

This month we’d like to feature the case study shared by the AdToniq Team. Check out the LinkedIn Post and the Case Study

Requestly enabled Adtoniq to develop, test & deploy their Javascript Tag onto their customer’s websites. They also use Requestly along with their customers in a team workspace to facilitate faster testing.

[Free Gift] Unlock Requestly Premium for your entire team

We love interacting with our customers. Please connect with us and share how Requestly helps you. We’d love to publish a case study with you and unlock Requestly Pro for your entire company from 1 month up to 6 months for free.

That’s all for this month. We’re building some exciting features around API Mocking. See you next month. Happy developing!

