10. Double check for typos and run-on sentences, then submit !

Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2017

“I have two best friends who I go to for editing applications and getting feedback. One is a professional writer, the other won’t take any shit. My first friend will really grill it for grammar. The other will call you out on stuff that doesn’t make any sense. You need both.” — Johann Diedrick

After getting feedback, do one final pass, then send it in.

You did it! Well done.

Your proposal will now be considered by a person or group of people who care deeply and probably started from where you are now. While you wait to hear back, carry on with life as usual but keep an eye on your inbox or voicemails in case anyone gets in touch to request further information.


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Editor for

Written by Kira Simon-Kennedy, designed by Myriam Doremy Diatta, edited by Katrina Neumann & Sebastien Sanz de Santamaria to open up the world of opportunities.