8 Facts About Chatbots That Will Impress Your Business Partner

Today chatbots are not something futuristic, they already became something very usual for a big number of people. Each day new businesses start using chatbots. So what are the main reasons businesses all over the world invest resources in this new paradigm? Here is our own compilation of facts we believe drive the adoption of chatbots.

#1 There are 1.2B Monthly Active Users on Facebook Messenger

An astonishing number of users in the Messenger makes it the biggest messaging platform on the earth. The potential reach of one’s chatbot is 1.2 billion users. That’s why it is so attractive platform for chatbot developers.

#2 90% of Social Customer Care Happens on Facebook

According to the research by Socialbankers, 90% of all social customer care happens on Facebook and most of it are private messages. 56% of companies say social customer care has a positive return on investment.

#3 There are More than 34k Messenger Platform Developers

The Messenger ecosystem is thriving, in one year it was able to create a big community of developers for this particular platform. 34k developers created more than 30k chatbots.

#4 Nearly 60% of Millennials Have Already Used Chatbots

According to the survey conducted by Retale, nearly 60% of millennials have already tried chatbots. And about 70% of them liked the experience.

#5 On average, companies take 600 minutes to respond to a private message

As crazy as it sounds in average, it takes 10 hours to respond to the private message. While Canadian telecommunication company Rogers have seen 65% increase in customer satisfaction, by automating private messaging, that’s an incredible result showing us what we can potentially reach.

#6 The Global Trend — Private messaging increased while wall posts decreased

Research shows that people all over the world started using more private messaging and less public commenting when they communicate with businesses.

Most social media communications are now private, enclosed inside one-on-one direct-message conversations. That suggests the market opportunity for AI bots is equivalent to a majority of the current market for social media customer care.

Business Insider

#7 Chatbots can be Multi-language

Chatbots are not limited to English as you might think. Businesses can have a chatbot that understands many languages and talks many languages making it easier expanding your potential reach. With the recent update to the Messenger Platform Facebook added a feature which allows having the persistent menu in different languages.

#8 24x7 Customer Support Made Easy with Chatbots

Have you ever dreamed of having a customer support team working 24x7? With chatbots it’s easy, they are basically computer programs working forever & non-stop.

Takeaway: No matter in what field is your business, you should already consider using chatbots. They have a potential of increasing sales, improving customer satisfaction, promoting your business and saving you time and money.

