Speed Dating Reflection

Maggie Ma
Research Methods 2021
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

Research Methods Spring 2021 | Maggie Ma

My Method — Rose, Thorn, Bud

Rose, thorn, bud is a framework for identifying the positive (rose), the potential (bud), and the negative/problem (thorn). It allows designers to quickly analyze data by revealing focus areas, allowing the team to plan their next steps for further evaluation and exploration in the design process.

Parallel Prototyping — Catherine Wang

Parallel prototyping is when various design possibilities are evaluated before beginning the iterative design process. It is used during the brainstorming phase of the design process to facilitate an environment of discussion and collaboration, similar to Rose, Thorn, Bud. Both methods allow designers to distance themselves from their work and offer feedback on sensitive discussion topics, creating an honest and productive work environment.

Design Fiction — Chelsea Liu

Design Fiction is a method that emphasizes idea-generation, exploration, and analyzation for the future. Designers can build high-fidelity, fictitious worlds by producing an artifact or film to visualize the environment. When compared to RTB, Design Fiction is more theoretical and fantastical, while RTB is more practical and realistic. Therefore, I think I would be more likely to use RTB in my project because of its’ versatility.

Behavior Mapping — Daniel Zhu

Behavior Mapping observes human behavior by using visualization tools such as time lapse, videos, and note-taking to create a final visual “map” of human activity (ex. if you are mapping a shopping mall, where are the resting points? activity hotspots? walking paths?).

Behavior Mapping and RTB complement each other well because we can use RTB to identify what is working and what is not based on our observations and data collected from the environment.

Behavior map of typical occupancies in Bristo Square, Edinburgh.

