Speed Dating Reflection

Round 1: Bullseye Diagramming, presented by Bon

Joseph Kim
Research Methods 2021
2 min readFeb 9, 2021


Bullseye diagramming is a method where participants write down desired features, or anything related to the product in question on a post-it note, organized on a concentric diagram ranging from most important (relevant) to least important, from the center to outwards respectively. I found this research method interesting and effective because it visually organizes the MVP for the participants for more streamlined design development. Furthermore, it forces designers to critically think about features and organize them because the concentric circles physically limit the amount of space available.

This research method requires designers to have a general understanding of “what” product they are designing, and for “who.” Simulations can be conducted before Bullseye diagramming for designers to get a better understanding of what is REALLY needed for their stakeholders.

Round 2: Remote Moderated Research, presented by Caitlyn

Remote Moderated Research is a research method conducted remotely to gather data from user testing. It is important to note that this method can be done online, or over zoom in a relatively short amount of time. However, designers must include any relevant questions or target goals that you want the prototype to achieve, to determine whether or not the moderate research is successful.

Remote Moderated Research is “after-the-fact” whereas Simulation is oftentimes “before-the-fact.” Designers can conduct simulations to understand the design problem, and use remote moderate research throughout the design process to user test and iterate upon the designs.

Round 3: Design Friction, presented by Chelsea

Design Friction is a design method where creators can develop high fidelity models of something that doesn’t exist, without considering feasibility, but solely the desirability. It opens the doors to more possibilities for designers in the early stages because it is not bound to technological feasibility. Although Design Friction does not necessarily require prerequisites for its application, I believe that a more cohesive design would be the result of a thorough understanding and research of stakeholders.

