Mission Statement — monsters & mirrors

Research Project


Things like this, they’re forgotten in the intellectual culture, but my feeling is they’re alive in the popular culture, in people’s sentiments and atttitudes and understanding and so on. — Chomsky “On Anarchism”

My thesis will focus on 1)that all societies have a notion of the other. 2)what the other in Greek society is. 3)how the LGBT* today are other. 4)how the experience of LGBT* is equatable to the experience of the other in Greek society (exclusion). 6)how the asian/foreign aspect of Dionysus makes him more relatable, and allows him to perform a bridging function. 5)how dionysus brings the Greek other into the centre. 7)how the ‘dionysiac’ (seaford) brings the other into the centre in modern day. 8) How the LGBT* has been brought into the centre. 9) Connecting the LGBT* back to Greek other. 10)how moving forward from here a period of normalisation is needed, and how the Greek worship of Dionysus is an equatable period of normalisation.


