Petr Legkov
Research VR Reports
2 min readMar 3, 2016


Dear VR optimist Alex Taussig,

before responding to your article 2016: When VR reaches the rest of us i must out myself, too! Just like you, I’m a VR optimist! And my position might be slightly biased! Yet here is my response:

I acknowledge your positive vibes! Yes, it is true that the current second wave of VR could have “the potential of VR as the next major consumer computing platform”. However, even though there are all the devices you mentioned coming, the chicken-egg problem (as very well described by Sivan Iram)* is still there. Without a global net of Investitions especially in content, who knows, the bubble might burst?

During our recent Episode of ResearchVR 007 — The Glass ceiling in VR ecosystems: EU vs. US one became clear: At least in Europe there is not much happening at all! And furthermore, something so crucial as a global VR ecosystem might be in case of its absence fatal for the second wave of VR.

Most of the Investment is going into Hardware. And that’s great! Developers can hack around, people from the entire world will film 360° videos and Facebook is going be the major VR Platform! Or not? Let’s face a few obvious facts: No one in their mind needs a privately made 360° video. Sure, for industrial or advertising industries it has a value! But a selfie won’t get better by having more degrees! And how many companies are burning money on potentially useless devices (like LG and their “special” HMD)?

Remember how the PC itself became “the next major consumer computing platform”? How did it happen? It was used by industry! It was the first built for industry. Even smartphones and tablets used to be Industry Devices! The Palms and business convertibles inspired the mainstream!

So, my point is the following: Before investors, potentially like you, don’t get away from the idea that #VR is now just consumer and hej let’s found another cardboard Firm (i am slightly exaggerating) nothing will happen! Before there is not proper Research done on VR and it is integrated into functional and serious applications, the idea of “the potential of VR as the next major consumer computing platform” is just a dream!

IMHO! I have a different stance than Sivan Iram,as i am sure, we knew very well most uses of VR! But i agree with his quote from Premium VR Content — The Chicken And The Egg Problem

To get out of the chicken-and-egg problem, we must invest in both chickens and eggs without the expectations of immediate returns.” — Sivan Iram

tl;dr: before there is a broad adaptation by industrial, scientific, and medical, the best hardware might come out, VR will remain a trend, nothing more!

Disclaimer: Petr Legkov is Cognitive Scientist, working on functional and serious applications in VR at SALT AND PEPPER software solutions, is the co-host of the ResearchVR podcast and a VR optimist!



Petr Legkov
Research VR Reports

VR enthusiast, Cognitive Scientist, VR Consulting, Unity3d, check my RIP podcast about VR at