ResearchCoin Giveaway - Week 2 Report

Patrick Joyce
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2020

Results from week two along with guidance on creating high-quality content for ResearchHub

Checking in with the results from week 2 of the weekly 1M ResearchCoin giveaway! This week we saw just under 5000 active users who contributed to ResearchHub. Here are the people who earned the most RSC:

This week’s most popular hubs were:

The Neuroscience Hub
The Psychology Hub
The Physiology Hub

Also, congratulations to the top-3 papers in terms of upvotes:

On the correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide
Geomagnetic Kp index and earthquakes
Difficulty scaling in proof of work for decentralized problem solving

What makes a high-quality post on ResearchHub?

Our mission is to accelerate the pace of scientific research. In order to accomplish this, we need to maintain an academic-level of quality for the content shared on ResearchHub. Here are a few examples of what high-quality contributions to our community look like:

Posting a scientific paper

When posting a paper to ResearchHub, make sure you:

  • Check that it has a DOI
  • Add an editorialized title in plain english
  • Post a Key Takeaway to help summarize the paper’s findings

Here’s an example of a well-done paper post:

Fruit flies that form long-term memories become more susceptible to extreme stress than flies without long-term memories

Sharing a comment

Comments on ResearchHub should either:

  • Contribute to the discussion about a paper
  • Be an attempt to learn more about the topic being discussed

All discussions should remain on-topic. Moderators are instructed to remove fluff comments. Here is an example of a post that contains a few examples of high-quality comments:

Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature

Creating a summary

Summaries of papers on ResearchHub should be written in plain English for an audience of non-scientists. The goal is to make the contents of any paper accessible to anyone who may be browsing our forum. If the paper is published under a creative commons license, summaries can include images from the paper to help communicate results.

Here is an example of a post with a detailed, plain-English summary:

A new blood test based on DNA methylation patterns that can diagnose cancer four years before conventional methods

If you would like to learn more about what makes up a high-quality post — check out ResearchHub’s Help page which contains information on our community standards along with guidelines for submitting papers, comments, and summaries.

Plans for week 3

The 1M RSC giveaway continued into its 3rd week starting on November, 16th. If you would like to join in — head to and start sharing, curating, and discussing scientific papers!

Thank you to everyone who helped us moderate ResearchHub last week. We are extremely grateful for our community’s continued support. If you are interested in helping us maintain an academic-level of quality for ResearchHub come stop by our community Slack and introduce yourself!

We will post another update next week — until then don’t forget to follow ResearchHub on Twitter and invite your friends who are interested in accelerating the pace of scientific research!

