ResearchCoin Giveaway - Week 3 Report

Patrick Joyce
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2020

Results from week 3 of the 1M ResearchCoin giveaway

Welcome to our weekly results blog for the 1M ResearchCoin giveaway!

During week 3 we saw 90 papers and 76 comments shared on ResearchHub. Here are the statistics from last week’s top RSC earners:

Anton Lebed’s post was the most upvoted paper of week 3. He shared a paper which found evidence that increased long-term memory resulted in a higher susceptibility to starvation in fruit flies.

Fruit flies that form long-term memories become more susceptible to extreme stress than flies without long-term memories

Emeka A. Ezewudo came in second with his post about a study that illustrated how genomic data can be used to predict milk production in dairy cattle. The authors sequenced the DNA of over 2000 cattle and found that genomic selection was more effective than traditional methods for predicting milk production.

Using genomic data for selection of milk production traits in dairy cattle is more effective than traditional methods

Jordan Nelson shared the third most upvoted post of week 3. This paper proposed the “Raincloud” plot as a superior alternative for visualizing complex data in a more transparent and statistically robust fashion. It even includes a helpful code tutorial entitled “ How to make it rain in R”.

Raincloud Plots Proposed as a Concise, Hybrid Data Visualization that Provides “Inference at a Glance” with Raw Statistical Information

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the ResearchHub community during week 3. The most active hubs during week 3 were:

The COVID-19 hub
The Blockchain hub
The Medicine hub

Key takeaway and summary curation

Now users can vote on key takeaways and summaries to ensure that the best content rises to the top. Please remember that our goal is to make science accessible to anyone who might be browsing ResearchHub — regardless of academic training.

Key takeaways and summaries are intended to help communicate research to non-experts. They should be written with a focus on clarity and accessibility.

Kusuma’s key takeaways from her post Nutraceutical or Pharmacological Potential of Moringa

Plans for week 4

The 4th week of the 1M RSC giveaway continued starting on November, 23rd. If you would like to join in — head to and start sharing, curating, and discussing scientific papers.

Starting in week 4 key takeaways and summaries which receive upvotes will also become eligible for the weekly 1M RSC pool.

We will post another update next week. Until then don’t forget to follow ResearchHub on Twitter and invite your friends who would like to help us accelerate the pace of scientific research!

Finally, if you are interested in helping the ResearchHub community grow stop by our community Slack and say hi.

ResearchHub — accelerating the pace of scientific research

