ResearchHub product update — 2/5/22

Patrick Joyce
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2022

Updating the editor program, publishing directly to ResearchHub, and HackerOne bug fixes

ResearchHub’s Electronic Lab Notebook

For the past two weeks, our focus has been on 4 major items:

  1. Editor Program Updates
  2. ELN Publishing
  3. Open Source
  4. HackerOne Bug Reports

Editor Program Updates

We released our editor dashboard to the leaderboard, so anyone can keep track and check out how our editors are doing here:

Along with that release, we have also launched our Editor Inactivity emails. Now whenever an editor is inactive for a week, we will send them an automated email reminding them that they need to become active on the platform.

We also have our daily RSC payout for editors ready to release. We are working out some internal parameters of how it works and we expect to release this sometime next week.

ELN Publishing

We are close to releasing our new publishing flow for Posts. Now, instead of having one-off, short form posts we are allowing our users to create richer content by giving people a fully-featured electronic lab notebook. In the Notebook, we have drafts, organizations, templates, and even a way to include Jupyter Notebooks.

This allows users to post rich, unique content and we hope it empowers our users to post novel research that maybe would not make it into a full publication otherwise. Our end goal is to create the ability to share full publications directly on ResearchHub.

Watch this space over the next two weeks!

Open Source

We have open-sourced all of our major internal repositories!

To keep everything organized, we ask that any feature requests or discussions about improvements to the platform happen in our researchhub-web repo under the Discussions tab here:

HackerOne Bug Fixes

In order to harden our security, we have started working with the platform to have some whitehat hackers try to break our system and find vulnerabilities and bugs. They found a bunch! We have fixed many of the critical issues that were brought up, and there are still many more we are going through to ensure our systems are protected and vulnerabilities are not able to be taken advantage of.

As we validate these issues, we will post a comprehensive list of everything that was fixed through the HackerOne program.

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