ResearchProof launches its Pioneers Program for early sharing of scientific results

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3 min readAug 28, 2018

The ResearchProof Pioneers Program allows to demonstrate authorship of single, negative, intermediate and complete scientific results and share them with the scientific community

ResearchProof Pioneers Program

Scientific groups, single scientists or academic institutions can now participate in the ResearchProof Pioneers Program, consisting in the selection and publication of intermediate, negative and single results as well as of any other scientific content, implementing a novel reputation and rewarding system for authors and peer-reviewers.

Candidate results are first protected using blockchain and cryptographic technology to allow authors to demonstrate authorship of the work. Results are then prepared for publication on the platform by the ResearchProof Team, with the collaboration of the authors. When the result is ready, authors are asked for authorization before making the result visible on the platform.

All the participants in the program are also granted free access to the ResearchProof Registry service throughout the duration of the program. The Registry service generates an unfalsifiable, legally and internationally valid timestamp to prove the authorship of scientific content prior to its dissemination (e.g. drafts or pre-prints of papers, code, presentations, preliminary or negative results, etc).

To receive more information on how to participate in the ResearchProof Pioneers Program, please write an e-mail to .

A multi-layered approach towards Open Access

The aim of the ResearchProof (RP) project is to use blockchain technology to streamline the sharing of single, intermediate, negative and complete results, speeding up the pace of scientific production and allowing for faster adoption of findings. To incentivize scientists to share results, the platform provides different services with increasing levels of openness:

· RP Registry allows scientists to generate an unfalsifiable, legally and internationally valid timestamp to prove the authorship of scientific content prior to its dissemination (e.g. drafts or pre-prints of papers, code, presentations, preliminary or negative results, etc). The results deposited with the Registry service are encrypted and not publicly visible. Together with authorship protection, this service allows scientists to become more confident in sharing their results after having generated a proof of authorship.

· RP Repository allows free publication on the platform of non peer-reviewed negative, single, intermediate or complete results. The group that deposited the result can decide whether results are openly visible, or accessible only upon authorization. RP Repository represents an intermediate solution between total privacy and open access publication.

· RP Journal (not yet publicly available) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal where single, intermediate, negative and complete results can be published. All the results sent to the journal are peer-reviewed, and all scientifically accurate results are published. The group pays for publication only if the result is accepted. RP Journal always rewards all peer-reviewers.

The aim of this multi-layered approach is to offer a pipeline that makes it easier for scientists to ultimately share results with the scientific community that would otherwise remain undisclosed, invisible and unknown, generating duplicated efforts worldwide and therefore a waste of human and economic resources.




Published in ResearchProof

Blockchain and cryptography tools to foster open-access sharing of preliminary and negative results in science


Written by ResearchProof

Blockchain and cryptography Open-access platform to foster sharing of preliminary, negative and single results in science

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