Google Dork

Hacker’s way to use google

4 min readJun 26, 2020


What Is Google Dorks ?

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Advanced Google Searches Used To Find Security Loopholes On Websites & Allow Hackers To Break In To Or Disrupt The Site.Google Hacking Is A Computer Hacking Technique That Uses Google Search And Other Google Applications To Find Security Holes In The Configuration And Computer Code That Websites Use Its Not Hacking Into Google Servers.
It’s Just Using Google Search Techniques To Find Exact What We Actually Need.It Reduce The Time Of The Search By Instantly Providing The Information As We Don’t Have To Move From One Page To Another One.

Google :- If You Still Don’t Know What Is Google Then You Need To Take A Crash Course In ( How To Use The Internet ).
Dork :- Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times.
A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks
In my opinion A Google dork is an employee who unknowingly exposes sensitive corporate information on the Internet.As a passive attack method, Google dorking can return usernames and passwords, email lists, sensitive documents, personally identifiable financial information (PIFI) and website vulnerabilities.
That information can be used for any number of illegal activities, including cyber terrorism, industrial espionage,identity theft and cyber stalking.

Important Things To Know

Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

Before starting with Google Dork, one needs to be aware that Google knows who you are and when you perform these kinds of activities. Only use these information for legal purposes. Just because the information are open on the internet, do not use it to harm others. Any illegal activity caught on the internet, you will be charged as a cyber criminal. This articles highly influences you to use the information with good intentions.
Special google search operators
Before starting with google dorks, you need to have basic understanding of few special google search operators and also how it functions.

1. intitle: This will ask google to show pages that have the term in their html title.
2. inurl: Searches for specified term in the URL. For example: inurl:register.php
3. filetype: Searched for certain file type. Example: filetype:pdf will search for all the pdf files in the websites.
4. ext: It works similar to filetype. Example: ext:pdf finds pdf extension files.
5. intext: This will search content of the page. This works somewhat like plain google search
6. site: This limits the search to a specific site only. Example: will limit search to only
7. Cache: This will show you cached version of any website. Example: cache:
8. *’ : This works like a wildcard. Example: How to ‘*’sites, will show you all the results like “how to…” design/create/hack, etc… “sites”
Basic Formula of Dork
“inurl:.”domain”/”dorks” “
‘‘inurl’’ = input URL
domain” = your desired domain ex. .gov
dorks” = your dork of your choice


  1. These operators provide the exact results which we are looking for.
  2. There is no wastage of time as there is no redirecting from one page to another.
  3. There are different operators for every task to perform i.e. Phonebook to obtain residential and business phone numbers and so on.


There are some operators which do not mix with another in the same query, for e.g, allintitle,allintext operators.

How Hackers Use Google Operators

Everyone uses google but most of them don’t know to make use of google.
Google operators are very famous among hackers and they take full benefit of it.Sensitive information needed by hackers which are not easily retrieved through common search can be produced by the help of Google operators.
If a hacker wants to retrieve a pdf file of a particular site then he/she has to use the operator “Filetype” with the URL as well as the extension of the file.
A hacker can retrieve the site of the specified domain with the help of the operator “site”. This operator is followed by the separating colon and the domain name.It’s an easy tool for a hacker to get the exact outcome in just a click.

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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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