Hey. I’m over here! I wasn’t lost after all


A post by Claire:

cf e.g. https://www.brainpickings.org/2015/09/02/rising-strong-brene-brown/

Have you noticed that the most common reply to that most British of questions “How are you?” seems these days to be one word: “Busy”.

In the guideposts to Wholehearted Living™ Dr Brené Brown invites us to let go of exhaustion and productivity as a lifestyle and cultivate a resilient spirit.


I recently facilitated an amazing afternoon (Re)Treat of Shame Resilience and Mindful Self-Compassion with a dear colleague and friend of mine. Work had been busy as had home and every other aspect of my life. Busy? Yes.

Productive, perhaps less so. It was only the day after I realised what was happening. Instead of complete exhaustion and sense of dread of thinking about what I hadn’t done, I unconsciously turned my attention to tasks and projects which I had told myself I was too busy to do. What’s more I enjoyed it immensely and achieved much in a relatively short time.

Too often we consider “self-care” to be a personal matter and one to be kept out of the working place and working day. I have often returned from work feeling too physically heavy and numb to think of anything other than reaching for carbs and collapsing in a heap on the sofa.

Ouch (and relax)

Recently, and with practice I have become more aware of my body telling me when we’ve had enough even when my head is telling me to go on. My current broken toe is testament.

I want to live and work in a world where we give parity to professional and emotional development in the work place; in a world where we all understand how transformational this can be for our businesses and those who work within them.

Join us on 16th May

Join the Resilience and Authentic Leadership for Entrepreneurs Team for “The Art of Resilient Entrepreneurship” on 16th May and explore how Wholehearted™ people run Wholehearted™ businesses.

