Johan Nygren
resilience press
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2015


The new taxation-system ‘Resilience’

Nygren, Johan (2015), How to Create Resilience

In contrast to other tax-systems, Resilience has no problem with crypto-currencies, since it uses consumer-producer feedback loops instead of top down coercion. (1) The consumers seek out and give positive feedback to companies that pay high dividends, and filter out those that do not want to pay dividends.

Think of it as turning the traditional taxation system upside down. Dividends move from companies to people, and the people can then have their share taxed by their peer-network, if they’ve made such an agreement. People become the new middle-men.

Trans-national, borderless corporations can be ‘taxed’ by their consumers, and the consumers can in turn be taxed if they’ve made agreements with their peers to put a percentage of their dividend-yield into different public services.

My Resilience is agnostic about what happens after consumers have received their ‘shares’. Todays nation-states could use my system, and mandate that their citizens give 50–70% to the nations tax-budget. Their citizens would still receive enough basic income to stay incentivized to ‘mine’ altruism. Future peer-nations could use other types of tax-agreements, or use none and rely on intrinsic donations.

There could be some form of incentive-program built into this, so that someone who donates a lot gets some form of reward, or that others in their vicinity get ‘forced’ to donate part of their share. I’ve been thinking a lot about that. But, I don’t know if that’s necessary. The share is a share, it’s a birthright, and I personally want to see the Bitnation Space Agency expand their dream of space and could easily donate 10% of my own share to that even if no one forced me to. I think that, since the share is a form of reward in a sense, there’s a really low threshhold for donating part of it (3).

- From The Resilience protocol — Growth through Natural Selection




BITNATION have made my Resilience a part of their core platform, and will launch it in Q4 2015.


The taxation system Resilience is also available to more traditional nation-states, and it will help greatly reduce their costs, automate part of their taxation infrastructure, make it easier for them to tax trans-national corporations, and make it possible for them to tax crypto-currencies. It will also make them more competitive as they compete against the increasingly powerful DIY government movement, and it will make it easier for them to gradually accept that they too will come to prefer Bitnation-like government.

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Johan Nygren
resilience press

The basic income revolution through p2p-technology, deployed @ a planetary scale.Followed by TED-speakers & SingularityU-CEOs,this is an idea worth spreading !