The Resilience protocol

Johan Nygren
resilience press
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2015

Growth through Natural Selection

Nygren, Johan (2015), How to Create Resilience, SpaceCollective

“Corporations distribute the profit on the CEO, top-down executive function, cooperatives give the profit to the customers and to the workers, more democratic but still hierarchical. Resilience takes it one step further & distributes the profit on the web, feeds the growth back into the self-organizing network. ”

An organism’s growth is guided by regulatory systems. During embryogenesis, HOX genes shape the inter-play between genes, they silence some genes and enhance others. That same mechanism of amplification and silencing is a big part of human societies too, by giving positive feedback to some ideas, and negative feedback to others, humans shape the growth of a culture. The regulatory system that shapes the growth of a culture exists in the feedback loops between the humans that make up that culture.

The circulation of blood in our body is also guided by regulatory systems. Stressful situations cause a fight-and-flight response, that funnels blood into our muscles and away from our digestive system. The body will return to a rest-and-digest state only after the threat is silenced.

That same mechanism is also present in human societies, in the circulatory system of a culture. The flow of resources is regulated through taxation, and multiple signals compete for these precious extra resources. External threats may motivate a flow of resources to the muscles of society, military force, or, it may inspire a butterfly effect of peace love and understanding.


My Resilience is a new kind of taxation system. It takes growth, literarilly, it takes profit, and it then feeds that back into the network, and distributes it on all the nodes of the network. It then lets the nodes choose what they want to invest the growth in. This contrasts to how corporate systems work, where the growth is fed into a CEO with top-down executive power, or a government with top-down executive power. Resilience is similar to co-operative business models (1), where growth is shared amongst the community, but it takes it one step further and distributes the growth on a much bigger and much more inter-connected and self-organizing network.

The nodes will then use the system for secondary applications (see!whitepaper/c21xm), and choose if they want to donate part of their share to parts that they think are important. They might want to put 10% into projects like the Bitnation Space Program (2), and, 5% into Paul Stamet’s dream of domesticating the mycelial networks that recycle our biosphere. And, 20% into healthcare. And, 20% into schools. Leaving them with 45% of their shares in the form of basic income, and 55% of their shares having been redistributed to parts that they want to see grow.

There could be some form of incentive-program built into this, so that someone who donates a lot gets some form of reward, or that others in their vicinity get ‘forced’ to donate part of their share. I’ve been thinking a lot about that. But, I don’t know if that’s necessary. The share is a share, it’s a birthright, and I personally want to see the Bitnation Space Agency expand their dream of space and could easily donate 10% of my own share to that even if no one forced me to. I think that, since the share is a form of reward in a sense, there’s a really low threshhold for donating part of it (3). I’ll obviously withdraw my donation-subscription when I face times of personal economic crisis, and I’ll probably expand my donation-behavior when I have times of economic flow. And, everyone has their own dream, and everyone should get to put their share into their dream. So that Ideas can compete on equal terms, which will create what I call memetic resilience.

I think that every node should be free to chose if and what they want to donate their share to. Those who look for donations, Bitnation Space Agency for example, could then design incentive-systems and reward systems, they could give some form of exclusive access or something like that. And, a healthcare program might have an incentive-design that gives exclusive access to some stuff, or it might work like an insurance. The diversity of incentive-designs would then come out of those who offer community projects like Bitnation Space Agency, schools or healthcare. Resilience itself would be agnostic, and all it would do is to feed the growth back into this new type of regulatory system.

The Resilience infrastructure has come a long way since I first dreamt of it 2 and a half years ago, and will within a week be launching an interactive concept that lets you play around with it. The finished infrastructure will be online as Bitnation Pangea move into beta later this year, and it will bootstrap on the BitPassport system through which we can ID each other as ‘having only one account’. This is all awesome.


(1) Voluntary Basic Income on a Co-Op Dividend Scheme,

(2) BitNation & Spacechain: The Mission to Decentralize Space Exploration,

(2) “There might be a lower threshold for a person to choose to give away part of his dividends through voluntary means, then for that person to choose to give away his earnings,!whitepaper/c21xm

BitNation — Decentralized, Borderless Governance to Provide Universal Basic Income,

BITNATION: Basic income application set for BitNation,

Bitnation Announces a Decentralized Application for Basic Income Based on Bitcoin 2.0 Technology and Voluntary Fees,–0-technology-voluntary-fees/

The new taxation-system ‘Resilience’,

The Cryptocurrency-Based Projects That Would Pay Everyone Just for Being Alive,

Indiegogo: Voluntary Basic Income on a Co-Op Dividend Scheme,

On Memetics, Basic Income, and the Future,

Technologically enhanced basic income as a solution to technological unemployment,

June 21, 2015



Johan Nygren
resilience press

The basic income revolution through p2p-technology, deployed @ a planetary scale.Followed by TED-speakers & SingularityU-CEOs,this is an idea worth spreading !