Embrace and Integrate Newcomers: Support immigrant-owned businesses and incorporate the needs of immigrant entrepreneurs into traditional economic development priorities and strategies.

While thriving immigrant entrepreneurs can help cities generate jobs, rebuild commercial corridors, and help stimulate the economy, many face major hurdles to achieve this potential. They often lack access to capital and information about local regulations. In addition, language and cultural barriers, as well as limited personal and professional networks, pose serious challenges to business development and growth. However, when city leaders support immigrant-owned businesses as part of mainstream economic development priorities, they can maximize the potential contributions of this significant source of talent and innovation. For example, by streamlining zoning approval processes, establishing clear and transparent guidelines, and instituting efficient decision-making processes for local boards, cities create a business-friendly regulatory environment that not only benefits immigrants, but others trying to start or sustain a business.

Examples from the 100RC Network

Chicago — The New Americans Plan

The first of its kind in the U.S., the Chicago New Americans Plan highlights the economic impact of municipal support of the creation and expansion of immigrant-owned businesses, and of strategies to attract and retain foreign talent. Implemented by a dedicated Office of New Americans, the plan calls for establishing centers where immigrants can get information on navigating licensing processes and attaining additional support. This has spurred the creation of tools and policies, such as streamlined license applications, that benefit not just immigrant entrepreneurs, but all small businesses. The Office has also produced step-by-step guides in multiple languages with practical advice about municipal codes and health ordinances to help entrepreneurs understand how to open flower shops, coffee shops, and grocery stores.

Practitioner Resources

Welcoming America
Seeds of Growth: Building Your Local Economy by Supporting Immigrant Entrepreneurs

This tool captures the most ambitious and impactful work around immigrant entrepreneurship and reveals some of the smaller, more manageable steps associated with building an ecosystem of inclusive entrepreneurship support. There are several low-cost, intermediate steps for integrating immigrant entrepreneurs into any number of local programs to help businesses launch, grow, and succeed. Topics covered include: entrepreneurship training, technical assistance, mentoring strategies, lending and microlending, neighborhood renewal strategies, navigating municipal codes and ordinances, the tech economy, and innovative policy solutions.

Credit: Welcoming America



100 Resilient Cities
Global Migration: Resilient Cities at the Forefront

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