Ibad Roshan🦋
Published in
7 min readJul 12, 2023

Life is a precious blessing bestowed to man by the Almighty. It is a chance that is granted for once. A human being has to see, hear, think, feel, and do various things in the brief time of his charming life. To have a valuable and worthwhile life in this world, man has to go through the filtration and development of his aura and personality, by observing the rules of life within the society and community where he lives.

I have formulated a number of guidelines with my deep observations and expertise. Man should adhere to these basic life principles in their professional, social, educational, and private life. To construct the body of these principles of life, I have actively involved my intellect and reason. They are necessary for a human being to lead an honored, devout, and joyful existence.

These rules could draw and enthrall people to you. As all men are equal, the rules could be applied to and related to every human being irrespective of gender, race, or color. De facto, these guidelines could also be pursued in the context of personality development and character building.

I have a genuine desire and solid intention to write my first book on these awe- inspiring rules of life which I have amalgamated via my wit and experiences.

Here are the Forty rules of life, listed one by one:

  1. Stay positive.

2. Keep a smile on your face while interacting normally with someone. Avoid excessive laughing loudly in public.

3. Avoid people-pleasing traits.

4. Develop the power of saying “No” in a humble manner.

5. Do not abuse.

6. Learn to appreciate and support people.

7. Talk actively, and a bit loudly (according to the context and timing of conversation).

8. Stay confident in conversations and interactions.

9. Talk less, and be a good listener. But learn to be perfect in your response while conversing.

10. Do not be a chatterbox.

11. Tell the truth or, at least, don’t lie.

12. Do not make false promises.

13. Do what you love in your life, considering the oppositions consciously.

14. Be creative and explore your creativity.

15. Do not compare yourself to others, for you yourself are unique in your traits and circle.

16. Make humble and witty friends.

17. Beg for nothing, and expect nothing. Be generous and charitable.

18. Have patience and the power of resilience.

19. Be an independent person both socially and financially.

20. Be social, helpful, and trustworthy.

21. Learn new things everyday even if it is a single word.

22. Make sure the graph of your intellect is higher than your emotions.

23. Learn to be an Emotionally Intelligent person (the ability to monitor and control your own emotions in particular circumstances with self- awareness, self-motivation, and empathy).

24. Learn to be a stoic and find happiness in the least and little things of your life.

25. Learn to have multiple skills in your life.

26. Strategize your time.

27. Never announce your plans before its execution and result.

28. Be ambitious and pursue what is meaningful.

29. Develop leadership qualities within yourself. Try to lead a team, group, or community at least once in your life.

30. Walk with your head slightly lowered (if you’re able), your eyes focused, and your shoulders back.

31. Do not put hands in your trouser pockets while walking, for it gives a submissive display.

32. Do not be an arrogant person. But try to be a bit egoistic if needed for the safety of your values and self-respect.

33. Do not always be available. Make people wait for you and your response.

(Don’t follow this rule in the context of your office, profession, education, and medical aspects)

34. Do not use other people’s stuff without their permission.

35. Be grateful, respectful, and forgiving. Do not always strive for revenge.

36. Don’t be addicted of anything in life.

37. Learn to be proactive in your life.

38. Learn to be critical. Make sure you criticize in a noble way.

39. If you are a student, always strive for doing something different and sublime in your career.

40. If you’re educated, read books regularly that upgrade your intellect and personality.

The fore-mentioned principles are the fundamental and pivotal aspects that shape a glamorous structure of human life. Man’s life is deserted and undone without these rules of excellence. Every single principle has its own part and significance in making a worthwhile aura and personality of a human being. So if you are conscious about your life and values, following these life principles will design your life in an admirable way. If there is any principle that doesn’t make sense to you or appeal to your intellect, feel free to challenge it in the comment section.

Happy Writing🦋✨



Ibad Roshan🦋

✨A Professional Content Creator💎/ A Passionate Author🎖️/ An Adventurous Novelist📓/ Poet of Nature, Love, & Beauty🌳🌷🍂/ A Hearty Storyteller & Idyllist✨