✅Life Lessons from the Secret Fighting System of the Martial Arts

🚀 🚀 Manifestations of LOVE ✅🍿
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2023


A Motivation to Learn How to Learn

“To accept some idea of truth without experiencing it is like a painting of a cake on paper which you cannot eat.” — Suzuki Roshi

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Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

For over 50 years, I have taught martial arts, and I never charge. I was born in Korea and raised in Japan. However, I also never teach my fighting secrets. No one does. I have learned from some of the best masters ever. Indeed, I have trained with many Japanese masters and many Korean masters. I have trained with many talented people from many countries. Some have tracked me down to teach me. Some would email me weekly from Japan. I have trained in the oldest martial arts from Japan, Katori Shinto Ryu, a samurai style, most of my life. My teacher found me. I didn’t find him. Many times in my life this has occurred. A master enters, and I respectfully open the door to my heart to learn. They never ask me to pay them. I never charge my students.

If I teach you how to defeat me, then you will. Instead, I know I can defeat you. See. This is fighting. You save yourself by keeping to your trade secrets to yourself. Also there are certain forms and techniques you never film or teach.

However, there is a way to learn the secrets. Shhhhhhhhhh.

Ready? When I am alone with someone who can do things I cannot, we smile. We, respectfully, know that the other is an amazing artist of the way. Then it happens. . . secretly, we share . . . our secrets, . . .just a few.

I was an elite kicker in Tae Kwon Do, which means, I invented new kicks that no one can do. I never showed them to anyone unless I met someone who wanted to share his secret kicks.

At seminars, I would find myself alone with the master teacher at lunch and smile. We would share. There is another reason for this secrecy, for fighting is more metaphysical than physical. More magical than mundane. It is like a special relationship bond between lovers. Indeed, there is the untold language. People read each other’s minds, finish each other’s sentences, for they become one. When I meet such a person, we never fight, never argue, never feel betrayed. We are each other. I search for them again in my next life. I knew them in a past life.

Fighting is spiritual and therefore, life is spiritual, for we are energy not matter. No church is needed. No one needs to tell me what is divine. We all are.

Why don’t teachers teach what they know. Even if I did, most would not understand. My son, for example, can watch someone do something in sports and duplicate it without training and improve it. See that is spiritual. He doesn’t have to practice it. He is the head tennis coach at his club. That just didn’t happen.

Basically, it is all about strategy, like chess. Fighting occurs inside the labyrinth of sacred scroll, not in the ring or on the streets. It is the inner esoteric realm, for we live in the illusion. What you do not see is where the true power comes from.

The man who thinks he runs his household as the boss does not possess a clue about the inner world of the woman he has married. We are not here to rule, to fight, or to master. She actually is the master, not him.

We are the shadows of the flames of light, the invisible air around the wings of love, and the unseen energy from the inter-connective compassion of the heart. Therefore, we are each other, and there is no battle to fight. That husband is an intruder, not a unity or extension of his soulmate. Instead, he is alone and lost.

In conclusion, we are warrior of peace. We are the air. We are the mountains. We are the oceans, the stars, and the emptiness, temporarily trapped in the darkness of chains of slavery of the greed of the psychopaths. We are lost.


“Do not follow the idea of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself.” ― Dōgen Zenji

Peace. Thank you! Domo arigatou gozaimasu!

Though I have survived cancer twice, my body is still in shock and my immune system is not strong. Still, I am taking a lot of meds. Basically, I am broke from all my medical bills, and I continue to have to go to the ER at times. I am writing a book about cancer. Give what you can, for it pays for my continuing bills. I know there are errors in this piece. My mind is not functioning right. I was a writing professor for 30 years. I can write better.

Give me some coffee at the Go Fund Me Cafe.. And if you do. Shhhhhhhhhhh. I may share a secret. .. . . .

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🚀 🚀 Manifestations of LOVE ✅🍿

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅