Insane Twilight

A poem by Ibad Roshan

Ibad Roshan🦋
3 min readAug 24, 2023


🌈Poem by Ibad Roshan🌅

A dance of insanity starts in the heart of mine,

When I wander lonely in a twilight,

The lush green trees of poplar and pine;

Displays the dimmer nature in a delight

Though nature’s dim but its beauty shine

One can’t abnegate the jollies of twilight

The dazzling face of sun, looks gently clandestine,

Its shying face’s drowning in the sea of night

A little cool breeze’s striking the face of mine,

When I wander lonely in a twilight

The trunks, the leaves, the fields that malign;

The withered sun like a victim by knights

The willows, the hemlocks, and the cherries;

Fluttering and dancing in a never-ending line

Jollies and hilarity of trees with a flimsy breeze,

Who’re whispering beside the stream of wine

The red-pink sky, yet to apply its painting spray;

O bedyes the nature with a red-pink dye

The blossoms,the mounts, though dwindles away;

Add glamors to the glimpses of panoramic eye

I run and run, in a jocund company of balmy flowers;

Who welcome the lonely guy with hilarious dances

Roaming, gambolling and dancing in lovely hours;

Jollifies my life with such auspicious glances

These gallant hours so make lovely my nights,

O, I’ll never miss out such Insane Twilights

🌈Poem By: ✨Ibad Roshan🌺🌾



Ibad Roshan🦋

✨A Professional Content Creator💎/ A Passionate Author🎖️/ An Adventurous Novelist📓/ Poet of Nature, Love, & Beauty🌳🌷🍂/ A Hearty Storyteller & Idyllist✨