The 10-Minute Morning routine That boost Your Self-confidence Throughout the Day

Azeez Ajibade
Published in
5 min readJan 4, 2024
Photo by Luemen Rutkowski on Unsplash

Start a revolutionary 10-minute morning practice that will take you on a journey of empowerment and self-discovery. I provide the keys to increasing your self-assurance and creating a happy mood for the entire day in this post.

Learn quick yet effective techniques that will change the way you greet each morning and give you a renewed sense of confidence that permeates every second of your life. This game-changing habit can help you embrace a more confident version of yourself and boost your self-esteem.

A morning routine is a series of actions or behaviors we perform as soon as we wake up. It aids in organizing our days and can significantly impact our concentration and output.
It's frequently hailed as the secret weapon for success in the field of self-improvement.

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Maintaining consistency in a morning routine can be challenging due to various factors. However, I’ve discovered a method to cultivate discipline and stay committed to these morning routine.

Fixed Time

Establish a regular wake-up time and stick to it every morning. This creates a routine and aids in regulating your body’s internal clock.

Structured your routine

Arrange your exercises in a sensible sequence. For instance, begin with attentive exercises like stretching or meditation, then go on to more difficult assignments. Routine structure offers efficiency and clarity.


Give each work your whole attention at once. Steer clear of multitasking as it can degrade your work and cause stress. To increase productivity, focus entirely on each task.

Make it an attainable routine
Set attainable objectives for your daily regimen. Overly ambitious projects have the potential to cause irritation. As you get used to your regimen, progressively increase its complexity.

Review Goal
During your morning routine, spend a few minutes going over your day objectives. This supports your motivation and attention span throughout the day.

Although there isn't a single solution that works for everyone, even just ten minutes a day dedicated to a certain habit can have a positive impact on the remainder of the day. The following piece will go over a thoughtfully planned 10-minute morning habit that will increase your self-confidence while giving you the strength to take on the difficulties that lie ahead.

Section 1: Mindful Inhalation (2 min)

Two minutes of mindful breathing sets the stage for a day full of empowerment and confidence. Stress and anxiety may easily take center stage in the hectic pace of modern life. It can be incredibly transforming to stop, choose a quiet area, and practice deliberate breathing techniques.

Take a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and take a deep breath through your nose to fill your lungs with revitalizing air. Imagine tension and stress leaving your body as you gently release the breath through your mouth. This technique not only relaxes the nervous system but also clears the mind to allow for clarity and attention.

In addition to being a physical practice, mindful breathing serves as a mental reset. By beginning your day with two minutes of deliberate breathing, you set the stage for a day in which obstacles are faced with poise and assurance.

Section 2: Journaling Your Gratitude (3 min)

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For the following three minutes, we will focus on journaling our appreciation. Gratitude is a strong force that causes us to view abundance instead of scarcity. Take out a journal and list three things for which you are grateful.

These thanksgiving statements can include anything from big life events to little pleasures found every day. Taking the time to recognize and value the good things in your life makes you feel happy and fulfilled. Additionally, keeping a gratitude notebook gives you a concrete reminder of all the blessings in your life, which boosts your self-esteem in the face of difficulties.

Your outlook on life will gradually change as you make gratitude journaling a regular habit. This optimistic view turns into a strong source that increases your fortitude and self-assurance in the face of difficulty.

Section 3: Building up Confirmations (2 min)

Now spend two minutes reciting powerful affirmations while standing in front of a mirror. Positive declarations that declare your intended state of being are called affirmations. Speaking these affirmations with conviction helps you develop confidence and changes the way you see yourself.

Select affirmations that are consistent with your desires and objectives. These affirmations, such as "I am capable and confident" or "I welcome challenges as chances for development," create a chant that upholds your inner fortitude.

The goal of this technique is to rewire your subconscious mind, not to engage in wishful thinking. These affirmations get ingrained in your belief system as you repeat them every day. You will eventually observe a change in your self-talk and an increased sense of confidence in your skills.

Section 4: Exercise (3 min)

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Physical exercise takes up the last three minutes. Take a quick workout to help your body and mind feel better. This may be a quick yoga pose, a quick series of jumping jacks, or a fast stroll around your home.

Engaging in physical activity naturally elevates your mood by generating endorphins, which improve your general feeling of wellbeing. In addition to its health benefits, this quick workout speeds up your metabolism and gives you energy for the rest of the day.

Including exercise in your morning routine not only shows your mind that you are proactive and up to the task, but it also benefits your physical well-being. This proactive way of thinking makes a big difference in boosting and maintaining confidence throughout the day.

In summary
This 10-minute morning routine offers a comprehensive approach to confidence building by incorporating physical activity, affirmations, mindfulness, and gratitude. By setting out time for this practice on a regular basis, you develop a positive outlook that can change the way you approach obstacles and give you the confidence and resilience to deal with the difficulties of everyday life.

While following a set schedule is advantageous, give yourself a little flexibility. Because life can be unpredictable, learn to adjust to unexpected occurrences without completely changing your schedule.

Include a little period of time for reflective thinking, appreciation, or awareness. This might help create a cheerful attitude and a peaceful atmosphere for the day.
Recall that developing discipline requires time. Have patience with yourself and adapt as necessary to find the ideal morning routine for you.



Azeez Ajibade

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