When Sheltered Kids Grow Up

My reality

Emily Steinbach


Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

I grew up sheltered-

Really sheltered.

I wasn’t allowed to drive; I wasn’t allowed to see my friends when I wanted, and I wasn’t taught the basic skills I needed for life. Even now at the age of 25, I still can’t drive, take the bus, see my friends, and do things other people my age can do.

I just can’t get on with it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents. I know they had the best intentions for me, and only wanted the best. I just wish the parenting style was different, I probably would have had a better chance at life; thing’s could have been different.

I am a sheltered kid who never grew up. You know the kind; those you read about and vow to never become.

Nervous at it’s best.

Peter pan syndrome at worst.

A social recluse who hardly sees the house world.

Always alone.

Most the days, I spend my time in my room caring for my plants and forgetting about the outside world. The other half the time I spend my days on the internet, trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. As if Dr. Google will know.

Anyway, I’ve just accept the fact that this is the way my life is going to be. I’ve accepted that I am delayed developmentally. I’ve accepted that I am living a life without freedom. This is what happens when you are over protected so long and sheltered from the rest of life. Maybe it’s now learned helplessness.

What am I to do?

This is my reality. I have a long way to go before I learn the basic skills I need. I might try to take the bus on my own today. I’ll let you know how it goes.

