Yeah, I Remember Writing That Story, I Was Pretty Sad Writing It.

Johnny Poitras
Published in
5 min readSep 1, 2023


Photo by Mohammad Alizade on Unsplash

Do you ever look back on your writing and think to yourself, “Hmm what kind of mood was I in when I wrote this blog?”

I do. Many times. Hopefully, someone else does too!

I look back on some of my stories and look at the titles. Then I instantly think about the feelings I had when writing that story.

Whether it was joy, sadness, frustration, depression, anxiety, frustrated depression, sadness depression, frustration anxiety, sadness anxiety, and many more. I knew exactly what the feeling was that I had when I wrote that blog! For the most part, I mean I won’t remember every 100 blog emotions that I had while writing them.

You know that quote from Maya Angelou? “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

The same stands true for my writing. I look at a title and it reminds me a bit of the feelings that I had when I wrote that specific story.

It’s pretty magical how our minds work like this. We can forget all or most of the words from something, but the feelings can almost always be remembered.

Even if they aren’t as intense and strong as they were before, they still can be present.



Johnny Poitras

I am a school counselor in MA where I primarily focus on supporting students mental health. I am a student of life wanting to learn about everything I can!