It’s Happening

Miles Gloriosus
Resist Here
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2017

Ordinary citizens are organizing to #ResistTrump.

Source art by Julian Callos

Last night, Rachel Maddow led with the story of the Tea Party. Less than a month after Obama’s first inauguration — the most attended in history — small anti-Obama protests began to appear. By the summer, these had gained steam and members of Congress were faced with persistent resistance to the President’s agenda when they returned to their districts.

Maddow mused if there would be a similar resistance to Trump, but we already know the answer. Trump is not yet in office, yet resistance is underway. Some examples.

Inspired by the Indivisible Guide, a group of citizens (featured on Maddow’s show) visited Congressman Bob Goodlate’s office in Roanoke, Virginia, to express their displeasure with the so-called Goodlate Amendment, which would have gutted the Office of Congressional Ethics. Widespread outrage — and lots of phone calls — led the GOP to scuttle the amendment the next day.

Citizens at Congressman Goodlatte’s office in Roanoke.

Meanwhile, in Colorado, citizens organized a #ResistTrumpTuesdays visit to Senator Michael’s Bennett’s office to encourage him to oppose all Trump’s nominees.

Then citizens in Buffalo gathered outside a Trump fundraiser later in the week.

And there are more events coming up this Tuesday from New York to Nevada.

This is how it starts. Where will you be? Want to get involved? Get connected and download a #ResistTrump Toolkit.

