It’s time to be Pro-Life

Take back this description from the sociopaths who co-opted it

Brian Shirai
Resist Survive Thrive
2 min readJan 22, 2017


by x1klima CC BY-ND 2.0

Pro-Choice is good, and Pro-Life is better. Let’s be “Pro-Life, Pro-Choice!”

The people who are calling themselves Pro-Life are anything but life-affirming. The people who are justly opposing their dangerous, damaging, anti-social agenda are failing to control and frame the message and fight.

Note that I’m not using the word “debate”. This is not a debate. There is no “debating” women’s health and social justice. You are either fighting for human rights or you are fighting against them, you are anti-human rights.

Pro-Life means Pro-Choice. Take back this description from the sociopaths who are anti-life and anti-health for women. Women are people. Women are families. Women are leaders. Women are communities. We are all healthy when women are healthy.

We must control the narrative of life-affirming respect for women’s rights and human rights. We need to paint these pictures:

  • Pro-life affirming health care for women
  • Pro-life affirming respect for women
  • Pro-life affirming equality for women
  • Pro-life affirming access for women
  • Pro-life affirming equal pay for women
  • Pro-life affirming family leave for women
  • Pro-life affirming human rights for women
  • Pro-life affirming agency and choice for women

The sociopaths who have co-opted the phrase Pro-Life are against all of these things. We must correctly paint them as anti all the things that help women be healthy.

Name these people in positions of power and put their faces next to the words that accurately describe them: anti-health care, anti-respect, anti-equality, anti-access, anti-equal pay, anti-family leave, anti-human rights, anti-choice.

Also, don’t let anyone balance anything else they do against their anti-women’s rights stance. So what if they bring 1,000s of jobs if they are anti-human rights? So what if they donate to charity? So what if they go to church and pay their taxes? Stop letting them get away with their anti-women’s rights agenda for any reason.

Here’s a recent article about this same idea:

We must reclaim the narrative of being Pro-Life. All we need to do is something very simple: start writing it like this:

  • Pro-Life is Pro-Choice
  • Pro-Choice is Pro-Life
  • Pro-Life and Pro-Choice
  • Pro-Choice and Pro-Life
  • Pro-Life, Pro-Choice
  • Pro-Choice, Pro-Life

