Mike Essig
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readMay 3, 2018
Columbia University

A year beyond easy recollection.
A hard year hard to tell.

Dreams, assassinations, paranoia.
Many feet pounding streets.
A freight train of events
smashing into consciousness.
Familiar faces falling, fallen.
A call to arms. A wail of sirens.
A whistling past graveyards.
Bombs bursting. Blown minds.

The sucking vortex of Vietnam.
The murdered trees of Paris.
The oppressed parks of Prague.
The burning barriers of Berkeley.

Many places in a blazing moment.

A moment meant to be seized,
slipping from frustrated fists.

An explosion of alternatives
killed by authority and entropy.

A year of unfulfilled promises.

A year beyond easy recollection.
A hard year hard to tell.



Mike Essig
Resistance Poetry

Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.