A Christmas Goodbye to a Toad and his Toadies


DRAIN the swamp, Photo by Byron Burns

It took a million trials, plus some hearings, I am told,
Finally! He’s going. Still, our nerves are rocked and rolled.
A man we didn’t read quite right, both cowardly and bold,

But not the kind of bold of old, of chivalry, and courage,
But more the kind of bold of devilry discourage.
We can tip toe outside our homes, for faith and food, to forage.

While he’s frothing at the mouth, like a lost and dismal Adolph
Gather your own bold. Say “Goodbye” to brown nosed Rudolphs

Day after day, plague drifts away: All the creepy doom coughs!



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Resistance Poetry

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.